People who hate adulthood are just doing it wrong. Like yeah it has it moments that suck, but that’s just life.
This comment just makes me feel like you and others are adulting wrong.
I literally have no idea who the “star” is in this gif.
Talk about everything. Courtesy is important! Express daily your appreciation and love. If a distance opens, address it immediately. Never, ever say things in a fight just to hurt. There are only 2 votes in a marriage between 2 people, no one else gets a say. If there is any topic that you are scared to bring up with…
This was funny, but when I saw the title on Twitter it really god my hopes up that he had been fired.
This grimace greatly disturbs me everytime I see it. He truly has no idea how to function like a normal human being.
Also, if Trump does not have a case of backpfeifengesicht*, I don’t know who does.
Oh I bet she handed it to him in the private meetings. When the reporter asks if they discussed NATO and Trump takes a sec, and then he says “Talked about many things” you can tell he’s pissed oh I hope she said something witty and cutting and smart and it sticks in his orange craw for all eternity.
Man, Trump is one creepy fuck. If he hadn’t inherited his Daddy’s money, he’d be a washed up, alcoholic car salesman living in Queens
To paraphrase whoever said this first: If we cut all the interesting, fun stuff to contribute to defense, what’s the point?
Cuts to health care, Meals on Wheels, science, medical research, the arts, etc, all while Trump burns money every weekend in Florida and every day in NYC. This is some master-level cartoon supervillainy here.
It also helps fuel the narrative of “the corrupt media looking for a ratings grab” because... well, why the fuck else would you hype up something so ultimately trivial by talking for 20 minutes about the importance of knowing the information THAT YOU DON’T ACTUALLY HAVE AT ALL
Exactly this. I just keep thinking, “Now his supporters get to say that he pays his taxes.” I feel like it did way more harm than good.
Jesus, if you’re going to make kids wear fucking t-shirts over their swimsuits, MAYBE JUST DON’T HAVE A POOL PARTY AT ALL. How unpleasant.
I think they meant more, why is she on this list? I didn’t see anything in her tweet that made it worthy of the worst tweets of the day.