
I am so sorry.

Even when a parent loses a child through no fault of their own, I doubt they sleep well at night.

I really hate that weaselly motherfucker.

Nope. Nope. The man in charge of determining the truth blatantly lied under oath.

Resign. Resign is the word you were looking for.

It’s that place where the 1% live and discuss “speaking truth to power”.

Please tell me there aren’t many people around that need to be told that you can loop things through a loop?

It’s not stupidity, it’s selfishness. Letting these people claim stupidity is, in a way, letting them off the hook. She knew what Trump was, she just didn’t care when stacked against her rich person interests. Now a response is expected of her when he reveals just what a shit he is and she’s given the bare minimum to,

Just remember: they felt all the other awful shit he said about racial minorities, Muslims, women, and LGBT people was just a matter of “free speech”. Apparently this is the thing that was too “offensive” for them and where they felt the need to draw the line in the sand, where they felt the need to “infringe upon his

On my neighborhood, someone made a bunch of signs welcoming immigrants and offered them to everyone in our Next Door neighborhood. Most people replied with support, the people that didn’t got replies to their replies (“maybe you should post your address so these refugees can come and live with you”) full of

Trump’s blatant narcissism is so all-consuming that he can’t handle the realities of his new job - all that responsibility, all that criticism - so he’s going to try and relieve his ‘glory days’ on the campaign trail.

Tinkerbell can’t survive without your applause!

I really feel like it’d be inappropriate to consider a SCOTUS nominee in the middle of the campaign like this. We should really wait until the election and let the voice of the American people be heard.

thank you

Yeah and it isn’t cute. I mean they sacrificed their souls to get good ratings and now that they smell blood they’re calling people out but that’s for ratings too. Thank god the NYT and wapo are doing investigation journalism.

Everybody needs to consider that this arrest is not a mistake: it is part of a deliberate policy. Going after the validated and innocent is part of the “shock and awe” doctrine that the Trumpkins tested out during the campaign, and are now experimenting with until they perfect it.

Leaving your old clothes in a hotel room and expecting the staff to donate it on your behalf strikes me as pretty rude. It's reasonably likely that the old clothes will end up in the landfill, which is also irresponsible.

The best rule I've heard for a one bag trip is the "1-2-3-4-5-6 rule", and it's usually good enough for longer trips. Adjust for yourself as necessary.

Sorry, no photo. I keep a wet bag and a dry bag ready to go at all times. Rather than packing with a list, I just grab the bags and toss them into the suitcase. It takes 2 seconds and I know I have everything I need.