I just complain when the sacrifices aren’t necessary. Such as giving up rights, or my way of life. Look at how well we get along with a lot of other countries now. How are we going to agree on taxes, laws, religion, just to name a few. It’s a preposterous idea. How are we going to convince certain cultures that women…
The problem is they don’t work together. Look at Republicans and Democrats, and they’re the same nationality. People want things their way especially when it comes to religion, and culture. Honestly if it would work why isn’t Africa, South America, North America, Europe, or Asia, any one of those one country. In…
Bigger government= bigger problems.
Who’s going to pay for all those improvements? Donald Trump?
Exactly!!! Do these people think our way of life, and standard of living would be better or even the same. Who’s going to feed all these people that can barely survive. Maybe I’m inhumane but I’d like to live indoors and eat on a regular basis. I’ve paid enough taxes in my years to deserve a little stability.
Would you care if the ‘New World Government’ told you to get off your property? You no longer owned it. How about no constitutional rights? I don’t own a gun myself but I can tell you that big percentage of ‘gun nuts’ simply own a gun because it’s their right to do so, or either hunt, or fear they need one for…
That’s obsurd. Man will be on earth until something happens that makes us extinct. Even a huge nuclear war wouldn’t wipe out all of mankind. Man’s been around for ten of thousands of years. I’m pretty sure we have more than 300.
No I think that would be drugs.
The major problem is, in my opinion we won’t have any say so. I think most positions would be appointed. I also think it’s the people in power looking for an excuse to abolish our constitution. I don’t think 196 countries will adopt our constitution. Our country is the worst I’ve ever seen it in my 44 years. The…
You’re correct that throughout history most civilizations have been ruled by some form of tyranny or another. The problem is The United States of America was specifically designed to keep that from happening and for the most part it has. Why would we consider giving this up because rich, powerful people say it’s…
I have to say that ultimately nothing good would come of this for common people. Also what Mr. Hughes neglects to realize or mention that mankind are violent in nature, and are generally motivated to gain power. No? Look at our history. It was bad enough having Hitler ruling a moderately sized country. Do we really…