
that led to 20 years of CIA funding
I don't know. Sounds like it worked pretty well to me.

Horrible dog trainer, though. :)

Yes and I love this because Katniss is all "I HAVE NO FEELINGS. I LOVE NO ONE BUT PRIM AND POSSIBLY RUE. LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU" but she does have these feelings and she doesn't know what they are or how deep they run because she is terrified of being vulnerable.

I love Philip K. Dick. But since he died in 1982, there's no way he could have been writing about meta-materials, CRISPR, or other 21st century scientific advances, which hadn't been invented yet. He certainly predicted a lot of things that have come to pass in the 21st century, which is one reason he seems so

I wonder which one they are hiding David Miscavige's wife in.

Eh, it makes sense to me. In Accidental Tourist, Macon says that maybe what matters is not if you love someone, but who you are when you're with them. (The person who, with their differences, helps you to grow — or, in this case, heal.)


Chicago also has $cientology in building court over a building they bought a few years ago at 650 S. Clark. They bought it around 2006 & have done nothing with it & it has some major code violations. It's a dump!

I think it'd be best for her to be single for a while.

It's funny you asked Mark Ball to do this, because that's how I started my response. This isn't supposed to be definitive, but I bashed this out in like 5 minutes just on what I could remember off hand. All this stuff does get attention.

1: Minority Report
2: The Diamond Age
3: Minority Report
4: Demolition Man/

Remember that sci-fi movies are always at least a decade behind sci-fi literature. If you haven't seen enough of these ideas, you simply haven't been reading the right books!

Sorry.....but we are all out of 3D printed brains.....government officials.....

Was there a black monolith in the area at the time?

The other 150 pieces in the gallery are painted solid black until their operations are declassified.

Thanks to your comment, I learned something new today. I didn't realize that there was no art, literature, or culture before Bohemianism came to be in the mid-19th century.

And techies are worse than bohemians..... how, exactly?