

At the risk of sounding shallow, I like the Asian facial features, body type, and stature. As to the "type" of person "Asian women" are, I find them no different than any other humans in that they are of diverse personalities and/or beliefs.

Is that a doobie?


What are they selling here; wings or lingerie?

So a preference for Asian culture(s) is now called "yellow fever?"

No. I briefly though perhaps the disease was once again on the rise. You never know, you know?

I was being snarky in a general way. No, I do not think she had a "nose job." In fact I like bumps in female noses quite a lot and I can clearly see, when she turns her head, that my beloved bump is still there.

What does a picture of The Joker have to do with Lady Gaga?

Her nose is the same. If anything is different it is that her waist is smaller, though I don't see how since the "cut-out" on the dress goes down far enough to see any corset, if there was one. Is it possible the dress itself is squeezing her in?

Maybe she got a hip and nose job.

She smokes pot too?

So...you are anorexic too, is that it?

She has a nice bottom. Is that too risque?

Schrodinger's cat?


Well now I'm happy. Someone mentioned the Blieber at least once today.

Worst. Haircut. Ever!

Because sex. Probably before you were born.

See, it's like this. Before the 1970s everyone replicated by magic. A couple would get a house with more than one bedroom, furnish the extra bedrooms with the number of beds they wanted kids for, and then, overnight, babies would just appear.