
I thought those were called "sleds." You know, like "lead sled."

Religion: A weak excuse for telling other people how to live.

I'm all behind your snippet there.

Coward: A person who lacks courage. Courage: The ability to do things which one finds frightening.

Oh thanks a lot. I just spewed coffee all over my screen and keyboard.

Miss Saturn?

Damned if you do; damned if you don't. All this bitching (yes, bitching) about the ACA and when so many people try to sign up for it at once, proving it's popularity, the only thing the right can think of to do is bitch (yes, bitch) about how badly the web-site was hammered.

Good ol' brownie!

Are you saying this was staged?

So I supposed by your reasoning a soldier, from any nation, that shoots and kills children, unarmed men, and women is NOT a coward.

Really sorry about the duplicates. Slight glitch somewhere. I stand by my assertion though. When buy when you can lease? Why lease when you can rent?

You've got to admit though that he really rocks a suit.

If she didn't see $$$ she would be a piss-poor editor of a fashion magazine.

Blowing yourself up is a lot of things, but cowardly ins't one of them. What, are you Dick Cheney or something?

Perzactly. No traction means you really can't determine where it will go. He caught some nice air though.


Heh. It's to be expected. Women are masters of language far earlier than men. They are "wired" for it. Knowing that helps a great deal.

Marriage? Ladies! Isn't it your turn to "rent" and not "buy?"

I think marriage is overkill, why buy when you can rent? And yes, I know this is a male centric way of thinking, but come on ladies, isn't it your turn?

I think marriage is overkill, why buy when you can rent? And yes, I know this is a male centric way of thinking, but come on ladies, isn't it your turn?