
Holy crap, I really hope this idiot personally is on some kind of FBI watch list or at least on the police department radar, he is disturbed and dangerous.

Congratulatons on the job. When do you start? I’m an anxious person so I get the worry hopefully once you get going you will see you were worried over nothing and you can handle the job like rock star. ☺

I have tried to use facts and math to talk to a tRumper, it doesn’t end well. Why use all that thinking stuff when 45 said it, I believe it, and if you don’t you hate babies, puppies, and are want our country to fail.

A cry for help. I think he was abused as a child and now has built his identity as a victim. He needs help for himself before he tries to change the industry.

When the rare ones who might have a complication delay or refuse getting care for fear of this reporting, will the resulting fatalities be considered a failure or success to these asshats who are supporting it.

Hope it’s not to late to reply, I really think you have given enough time, energy and emotions in this friendship. I have similar health and mental issues as your friend and have a horrible time with med side effects etc. However I do not become cruel and hurtful to my friends. There are definitely times I have leaned

Congratulations on the interview. I don’t have any specific advice except that your passion shows when you write about your interest in the job and the work you would be doing, let that same passion shine in your interview. Sending good thoughts and all the best birthday wishes your way.

He looks like a hostage in that pic. Good grief he looks miserable!

The way I remember the original stories about the pay raise was now that McDreamy is gone, Ellen was able to leverage her starring long time role for a higher salary which was previously split between the two co-stars.

I totally understand how this feels, I wanted to be alone too. A few people insisted on me touching base because I isolate and the ones I was ok with that I did check in. Most got ignored or got the she’s ok from the few I did speak to daily.

Family comes in so many ways, I appreciate everyone sharing too.

Bernd, I’m sending you lots of Internet love, and peace. My partner, best friend and soul mate of 15 years passed away suddenly 11 months ago. Jeff sounds like a great person who lived and loved with gusto, full of spirit that will continue on through all who were lucky enough to know him.

I do that intentionally because the emails of reminder usually include a discount or free shipping 😊

BB, our mom’s sound like they are cut from the same cloth. I struggle to accept the politics/religious decision making life choices. I have gotten to the point we just don’t talk about the hot button issues. It’s not really forgiveness but more resignation. I hope you have other friends/family who make you feel more

I too love Not A Perfume, I just ordered a sampler of other Juliette Has a Gun fragrance. There are 7 included and so far Not a Perfume is my absolute favorite. Was only $18 to order.

I’m sending you lots of love from an Internet stranger, the sadness and grief over your father condition are heartbreaking. Remember to take care of yourself, you need TLC too.

It is now!

Love the craft thread, this week’s is amazing. Thanks for sharing and reminding me I need to get crafty again. Kern that mirror is gorgeous, I’ve been searching for something similar but haven’t found anything near as nice!

If it wasn’t full of inconveniences (at best) or just total obstacles, the measure would not have been introduced much less passed. That is the ONLY reason for these laws.

Seems accurate, my main issue is not that it is erotica that includes BDSM, it’s that it is a stunningly inaccurate portrayal of BDSM that veers into abuse.