
The Compass is worse, take all the awfulness of the Caliber, and slap on some faux “You wouldn’t understand, it’s a Jeep thing” badges.

This is potentially good Jalopnik.

It’s part of Obama instituting Sharia Law. It happened right after he invaded Texas last month.

Or just waited until a Sasquatch walked by and lifted the truck off of him, equally plausible situations.

Is it just me, or is the Jalopnik “fuck grammar and spelling” circus extra bad today?

This is a little overdo, but follow us for some amazing photos from Pebble Beach.

All the other cars in this lot are like: “I really hope senpai will notice me!”

Solo FiSTing is a very zen experience.

i honestly didn’t notice who wrote the article, but those examples just gave everything away. doug strikes again with his educational and entertaining article :)

with blackjack and hookers?

The US should just drop out of the Olympics all together. We can do our own games where each US state has a competing team.

“and talk to your doctor”

I think the money would go muuuuuuch better to buy Jalopnik from Gawker Media, myself.

By “Please help,” I assume you’re trying to score some high-grade shrooms or acid. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you’re on the wrong website — heck, on the wrong side of the internets — for that.

Serious question- I don’t keep a Facebook/Tumblr/Blog but spend a lot of time writing in general and commenting on various sites. Tech blogging as always been of interest to me, is there any kind of a good ‘foot-in-the-door’ method for those of us who don’t really currently have any level of distribution?

Would I have to pay union dues?

1739.18 Cubic Inches. ‘murica

If you think LSD or anything else in this article are even close to heroin then somebody's been lying to you your whole life.

1. Bojangles sweet