If you go to a Mexican restaurant, you’re going to end up with some combination of cheese, meat, vegetables, and beans on, in, or under tortilla.
If you go to a Mexican restaurant, you’re going to end up with some combination of cheese, meat, vegetables, and beans on, in, or under tortilla.
Did you even bother reading the first paragraph of this article?
I clicked all the way through to get the the comments just to say this is the last and only time i will ever click through one of these goddamn slideshow articles.
This is the number I want on the window sticker. The 85MPH range/fuel economy.
That 6X6 carrying the auto gyro looks pretty slick.
You can’t, even in your cabin in the woods, you’ll still find those “many blood sucking creatures”.
Deadspin Headline:
A horse drawn carriage? But what if there were mares pulling it?
No, I can only post pictures of five. I actually had a pic of one with the t-tops and back off too, and tried to correct the original double posting, and this happened, so I gave up. What Kinja wants, Kinja gets.
It’s a foreign concept to a lot of the commenters here.
Why do you need room for 4 if you have no family?
Could you post a picture of one?
Alanis, I really think the “blah” you talk about is entirely in the mind of the beholder. Cadillac’s cars aren’t just decent, they are really good. Jalopnik, for example, agreed with the rest of the auto media that the ATS was as good as the 3 series. And they look really good (yes, that’s subjective, of course, but…
Gonna have to special order some “Axles of evil”.
Great. Jesse will have to overnight parts from Japan and Germany now.
That Ballababy in the passenger rear seat should be put in time out.
I put three of my children in it and they bitched and moaned the whole time
You have just defined the Ford’s advertising campaign.
Great, thanks, now I’m seriously worried about other shit.