
Unbutton your button when sitting down. Let's not make this mistake at Bloomberg.

This was the GIF I asked for yesterday. I am having trouble printing it out.

Go on an arson spree against base Lancers, sorry Stef. And I-Mievs.

Yes, how does one be awesome?

But it didn't end to in a ditch!

The idea of a "mood room" is thrown around a lot in car design, did the C7 engine team have a mood aquarium?

Mr. Callum thank you so much for joining us! I truly believe you're brining back the brilliance of Malcolm Sayer, yet complying to modern tastes and requirements.

Can we have GIF?

Most ridiculous entry goes to Shitty LeBeouf.


Not as high performing as the Cosworth. The XR4Ti is more comparable to the XR4i.

It's freakin beautiful. Looks like a tube frame with new panels and fiberglass hung over that.

Do you have any more info?

Thanks! Yours does capture the fender-off look. I kinda want to see a new Beetle with its fenders loped off and an older bumper up front.

Hardibro, his IG name, reminds me of his pink pants during Pebble Beach.

We give all the editors hate. There was a Hardigree doge period too. That's one of the things that makes Gawker Media so unique, the appearance of a casual, social relationship between author and reader.


Until the Top Gear Avantime hit the block.

Technically it's it's own sort of lineage. It's not an Escort, but a predecessor to the Focus RS. More of an RS2000 car, like the RS200.

Indeed, you can go the German route.