Those slimy corporatist scumballs at BIG SPORTS EVENT always need to have their damn logo plastered over everything.
Those slimy corporatist scumballs at BIG SPORTS EVENT always need to have their damn logo plastered over everything.
Maybe the Redskins can hire Yankovic to imitate a competent head coach.
and you will never, ever guess No. 1.
Flat Earthers, for sure. Completely fascinating: I’ve read pages and pages of earnest arguments as to why the Earth couldn’t possibly be spherical: impossibly steep railway cambers, planes having to constantly steer downwards to avoid flying off into space, (the answers to all of which are either “what?” or…
The only people who knew Cardale Jones was starting were Urban Meyer and Bill Belichick.
Better idea: cancel the game itself. Have the Derby tomorrow night to determine who gets home-field for the World Series.
Nike: Just Do It*
The secrecy was so unnecessary—all they needed to do was announce that the brand was evolving and Tennessee fans would demand never to hear about it again.
Amos Zereoue.
These remind of the Minnesota Wild’s much better home greens. (As in, the ones without the terrible logo.) I like these quite a lot.
HEAD COACH: Alright, let’s draw up the punt return play - who do you need out there?
But pro wrestling is awesome. This was bullshit.
So the two guys collected their paychecks, poked at each other for a while, and then they gave the win to the guy who’s chasing the undefeated record.
Really, they couldn’t just file them under “Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!” instead?
I had the same thought regarding Smash Bros. and Halo.
+1 ref who’s used to it.
Meanwhile, here is a picture from the NBA refs meeting yesterday: