Wizard Nutstorm

Was this written by AI, this article seems to think that Michael Jordan was just a middling actor who had one big hit, and that its surprising that his car would be valuable since he wasn’t really a star.

No one here can help you with your horrible opinion. so just don’t read the responses and sleep well tonight 

The guy watches episodes of Dukes of Hazzard with a cigarette and white towel within arm’s reach.

You can have your opinion, and I respect that. But it’s wrong.

Of course this is coming from a mopar fan

I don’t care how cheap it is—Land Rovers are cars for masochists who are true gluttons for punishment. (Twenty-three Land Rovers? WTF?) I’d want transportation, not a broken box leaking on the driveway so ND it is.

Counter-point: every box of Cheerios is already stale. That’s the real scandal.

Get used to disappointment 

This is nothing. Comer now has credible evidence that Joe Biden himself did not scrunch down the inner bag, which directly led to half a box of Cheerios becoming stale.

I come here to read stuff about cars.  Not politics.  There’s a lot of us that are just fed up with ALL American politicians.  Can you focus on automotive content?

Those are not sandals. 

Boat shoes are sandals?

“The truth is Hunter’s father helped him when he was struggling financially due to his addiction and could not secure credit to finance a truck.”

The Kappa cars (Sky/Solstice) are certainly fun little machines. But even though this one is “rare”, don’t blow up your bank account to buy one. If you are going to spend Corvette money, then just buy the Corvette. 

I remember the first time I saw one of the coupes in a car wash as I drove by. I had to turn around to go look at it because I genuinely didn’t know what it was. It looks far more exotic than it has any right to - at least from the outside. That interior is pretty plastic-fantastic and wouldn’t look out of place in

Its already accepted.  Not sure where you live, but I see a TON of Genesis cars and SUVs on the road daily.  My sis-in-law just bought a GV90 over a Mercedes. 

Don’t disrespect my waifu’s like that 

I honestly have a hard time getting too excited about a wild concept car that’ll never turn a wheel. Show me a concept that is close to production ready and might actually get built and then I’ll perk up and take notice.