“...many of the photos in the ad have date stamps from 2011 on them...” As if things don’t change when 12 years go by. Plus right-hand drive. Plus those awful wheels. Equals ain’t gonna happen--ND to the 10th power.
“...many of the photos in the ad have date stamps from 2011 on them...” As if things don’t change when 12 years go by. Plus right-hand drive. Plus those awful wheels. Equals ain’t gonna happen--ND to the 10th power.
I can get 24's on my ‘25. Can I order it in ‘23?
I saw the Montana plates, and my initial reaction was to wonder who who go through all that trouble for an SVX. Then I saw that it was listed on Montana Craigslist, and was reminded that Montana is an actual place with actual people who live there. It doesn’t exist solely as a tax-dodge for wealthy car owners.
I tried to get into the dropping skydivers racket as it sounded fun when I was building hours to get hired by an airline and I talked to a few of the pilots. They all had this thing where as soon as you drop, you pull to idle, hard bank turn to lose altitude quickly and would race the jumpers to the ground
This sounds…
Hey man, sometimes when you skydive, you flip a coin. This time it came heads up.
Whom amongst us hasn’t decapitated someone by illegally flying a plane. Could happen to anyone.
In the business they call this a lil whoopsie
Ancient phone, weird screen, television remote, notepad for brain droppings and cassette-shaped disco ball. Loaded indeed.
I very much regret to say this, but that is actually a beautiful-looking thing.
Reference to a Rage Against The Machine song about cops.
I respect the RATM lyric reference in the sub-headline.
Jaguar XK-E.
I stand up soon as they start accelerating for takeoff.
I want to be drunk mid-flight.
Thanks!! I have had two angry, and very fat White Men try to get me thrown off the flight because of my shoulders. As a Halfbreed, I have a typical Native Broad Shouldered Build, and had no idea that the seats in Economy had been downsized so much. Once I got moved to business class, and the other time to the those…
Can you put that into a slide show?
Yeah, that’s probably stupidest “rule” on the list. Standing up once the plane is at the gate is fine.
How to be a journalist like a decent human being
I can’t disagree with any of these as one who flies more than any human should have to.
Sure, but when the plane comes to a stop, and the seatbelt light goes off - I will get up just to stretch my legs and back. I don’t mill around in the aisle, but there’s nothing wrong with needing a stretch after sitting for a long time. It harms no one.