
I’d like to think “oh he did this because he’s stupid” but honestly I think he did this because 1: they’re fucking untouchable at this point and 2: his supporters don’t give a shit, they see nothing wrong with it. When Trump said that he could fucking shoot people and not lose any supporters, he meant it. Strap in,

I still can’t believe they brought Lydia back.

That is a major ripoff of Kelly Bensimon’s one-time tagline “I’m living the American Dream, one mistake at at time” - is nothing sacred anymore?!

His talking voice is slow and like he has food in his mouth. I can only imagine his raps and even started making some up in my head.

Naw, he does drugs. It became a big deal when he was doing them with Lamar Odom.

“We have our doubts, but we are both certain that the man is not mentally equipped to continue watching our show.”

It’s like a perfect representation of their brand, though. Take something talented black people have done and stamp their face all over it for profit.

My favorite part is how Sharon Osbourne can’t even be bothered to see the difference between Kendall and Kylie. They are miles beneath her and they’re just blurry dark haired peasants to her.

I don’t know. Kylie Jenner made 41 million dollars last year. Which is absurd.

It is certainly interesting how many times these two (and the rest of their family to boot) seem to succumb to things that are “not well thought out” in the service of making a quick buck, from Kendall’s Pepsi commercial to myriad accusations of appropriation and stealing others’ ideas.

Also as a Canadian, the monarchy is an outdated institution and a waste of money. The security costs alone when they come to “visit” is absurd.

Ok, so give up all that money your family didn’t earn.

much like children, buttholes should be seen, yet not heard.

It is easier to buy a gun and shoot it that, let’s say throwing 200 knives for 10 minutes, train ants to kill, develop a new virus in your own bedroom, built a tank with soda cans, buy a magical sword, become invisible, gather an army of grandmas, and I could keep going but I am lazy.

Who is being a dick? I didn’t say I’m thankful that they were shot.

Seriously? He told one girl that if she wanted to prove she was his number one fan, she needed to bend over and show him her butthole. She repeatedly told him she didn’t want to and he pressured her over and over, telling her she needed to do it to prove she was his number one fan (and if she was lucky she could suck

Of course he is playing the victim. I’m so tired of these gross people trying to get sympathy after they get caught. A lot of people go through terrible things in life and manage not to commit sexual abuse of minors or sex crimes against anyone for that matter.

Or to flip the narrative around: