
I am sure they will both shake it off.

where. is. the. pee. tape....!!!!!!!!!!!

You can be legally blind and still able to see a little bit right?

After introducing her new client as “one of the funniest humans alive”

Still Team Kathy. I’m not taking Trump’s side on anything, ever. Not humanizing him.

Before you give this article a hard time thinking that is serious, he’s satirizing the piece they wrote on vulture about WW.

You are doing the next level “there are starving children in Africa” dick move right now. You aren’t more interesting or a better person because you can derail a conversation and show concern about a more serious topic. It just means you can’t read the room.

Won’t the rich people think of the unemployed chauffeurs?? If I was rich, I’d have a gorgeous houseboy/chauffeur to drive me everywhere. What’s wrong with these people?

I always refuse a breathalyzer when I haven’t been drinking.

If only they put warnings or labels on medicines so you’d know what side effects to expect.

I remember, and I’m opening the door for us............

He should’ve used the driver.

Impaired driving is impaired driving. I don’t care if it’s booze, Percocet or anything else - if you are even slightly impaired, don’t get behind the wheel.

Luke Evans as Gaston was the best performance all year. Loved him.

preferred shirtless

All this movie has done has made me realize that I would still fuck Dan Stevens even if he was a CGI beast man.

Ugh this feud is so boring and stupid I am not rooting for either of them. However, I will say that this “reason” from Katy Perry isn’t the exoneration she seems to think it is. Encouraging your dancers to take another job but telling them how to do it so they can quit halfway through and join hers is still shitty,

You and your earth logic.

I believe James prefers to be referred to as the “White Kanye West.” Which always gives me second-hand embarassment and reminds me of Lindsay Lohan’s mom referring to herself as the “White Oprah.” The lack of self-awareness is staggering.

Holy shit.