
1. His signature on a piece of paper is about as effective as a piece of paper known as a protection order. Which is to say, not at all.

Dead men can’t rape.


I think the Scientologists have 8 levels.

Kris is proud of the footage of a 9-year-old Kylie dancing on a stripper pole in first episode. Of it, she said, “That’s an example of leaving the footage alone and letting it breathe. Letting it speak for itself.”

OMG you should have put a trigger warning on that.

Aww, I actually think it’s cool that’s she’s the only woman in LA who HASN’T gotten lip fillers.

I would be prepared for eccentricities, but testicle flicking is beyond the pale.

He’s kind of an idiot and it’s pretty gross he’s blaming Columbine on his dwindling career.

Those backward religious tenets are misogyny.

I just love that the ‘no woman’ aspect is repeated for multiple communities. It’s a nice reminder that, worldwide, overt misogyny is alive and well!

Have you not heard? LuAnn changed her title from “countess” to “wife”!

New York has given me the unbridled glory that cannae be matched, as of yet, of this

I agree with you, but I had to laugh when Kelly did that blowfish thing on the window. At her, not with her. What an immature mess this woman is.

My girl Dorinda NEVER disappoints

Shannon, girl, if you’re reading...

I loved Lu so much on last week’s NY.

I’ve concluded David is and always was a douche. That vow renewal was a CYA move only.

Lady, you and your husband are scientologists and your kids are space aliens. You should lean in to the swinger rumors, it would be the most normal thing about you.

You know what that means...