
“I would never just walk away from you.”

I agree. It seems sincere.

I actually met Jonah Peretti once at some tech thing. He asked me if I was waiting in line and I said no and he said thanks.

Crocs are a thing with chefs. And they’re halloween-themed!

Gwen, you look amazing. I still really love you, despite the last few years where it felt like you were turning more Hollywood than Anaheim. You look really happy with Blake and so I am happy for you.

If you’re carrying enough water weight to produce tears, you’re too bloated for the runway fam.

Active members of Delta Upsilon fraternity allegedly provided each new member with three pills and instructed them to drug women for the purpose of incapacitating them prior to engaging in sexual activity

Sounds more like the Bill Cosby method to me.

FOX News

So here’s a fun thought.

My money is on Ariana Grande — she used two baby emojis and everyone knows Ariana Grande is an actual baby.

(ok, not kindergarten. preschool. PRESCHOOL.)

Maybe if you can’t handle not harassing women in the workforce today, then you don’t belong in the workforce.

Point of order - I think that’s just a regular brag.

Bill Clinton might have just dropped the ultimate humblebrag.

Ok, but is his health....TREMENDOUS?

You boys need anything while you’re here? Some reds? Yellows? Just got some purples in from Peru.

I think we need Trump’s physician to weigh in on Guiliani’s health. I guarantee you he is in perfect health.