No where in this article does it state that the “victim” was a child. You seem to have a real fascination with pedophilia.
No where in this article does it state that the “victim” was a child. You seem to have a real fascination with pedophilia.
I try very very VERY hard to be patient but the sound of children screaming is so aversive to my ears, it puts me in a dark place. I can’t handle it. I think its really cool that some places don’t allow children. I feel like the whole world caters to families, so its nice to have a place just for adults.
I don’t see how it is relevant 25 years after conviction and on a clean slate since. The regsitry exists to basically give law enforcement first place to check lists when kids go missing because of some really sad and bad stuff that happened when they lost track of very dangerous people.
Even if it is 5 times less likely, this event had an impact 5 times greater than a normal car fire so the occurrence benefit gets wiped out.
It makes sense if you look at it as being translated from Russian first.
Well in the 90s most compact disc playing devices came either came with a tape deck or were specifically purchased by the consumer for playing compact discs. So other than being completely irrelevant you're exactly right!
They need a better evacuation plan.
Pita pockets are deep into the extended definition of sandwich. A person who has accepted a pita pocket as a sandwich has long past accepted hot dogs, and will perhaps debate whether a ravioli also qualifies.
This. And a meatball SUB is just that, not a meatball SANDWICH. I scoff.
And you’re just plain wrong - none of those are sandwiches. They have other names which don’t require a confusing “sandwich” tacked on at the end: Pita, Hoagie, Meatball Sub, Cheesesteak and Sloppy Joe.
It’s simple: A sandwich has a top piece and bottom piece of bread.
If it has just one piece of bread, it is thus not a sandwich.
If it has the opening facing up, it is thus not a sandwich.
Cats have only two states[*]: Scheming, and bloody furious. This one doesn’t appear to be the latter, so you can assume it’s the former.
There’s just one song that I really think of as a thanksgiving song:
Oh no, twas a ghetto blaster. The thing was brand-new when Reagan still had twenty percent of his marbles.
*files claws*
The only “asshole” in this discussion is the server who somehow got the false impression that he or she DESERVES a tip, merely by showing up and doing the job they were hired to do. Tips are always optional, by definition. That’s the whole point. Tip, don’t tip -- it is COMPLETELY up to the customer’s whim. Get over it…
So, tipping is meant to reward service.
I miss the days when we were told to tip based off of the ability and friendliness of the server. If the server is helpful and kind, great, they deserve the tip. If all they do is drop your plate infront of you, leave your glass of water/beverage completely empty forcing you to have to demand their attention because…
I still wonder why we allowed servers to decide what we tip. 15% was standard for years. Why should it be raised to 20%? It is and should be a percentage of the bill, but when bills increase due to cost increases, tips go up right along with them. Who the hell decided that the percentage should be increased also?…
Anyone “should I tip this or this” “I’m not from here what should I...” “I have a question”