
This is a prime example of a little knowledge being dangerous. If you have three networks, using 1, 6 and 11 is good. If you have four, the fourth one is better off getting a low interference from two of them than getting full interference from one of them.
The radio signal itself is not binary but analog. The binary

Skinny people don’t drink diet sodas, they drink regular sodas.

The risks were highest for women with no history of heart disease or diabetes and women who were obese or African-American.

I really doubt a causal relationship, as opposed to it being that the type of women over 50 who drink diet coke are also the women over 50 who have many other factors that are leading them to be more likely to have a stroke or heart attack.

The lower bands with a lower frequency have a slightly longer wavelength, which makes the signal slightly better at avoiding obstacles. It’s not a big difference, 50 MHz from channel 1 to 11, or a little over 2%, but when you’re at the range of the signal and experience signal loss, that little difference means a lot

Another consideration is interference. The 2.4 GHz bands are busy, not only due to everyone else nearby also using them, but because it’s also used for other services like Bluetooth, not to mention microwave ovens, which really interfere with both 2.4 GHz WiFi and Bluetooth (try using bluetooth headphones while

Pair it with anchovy and it is a whole nother world of taste.

Place a brush upside down, and whack it lightly against the bristle until you’ve covered all areas.  Then rinse it from the outside.

Surely Dorset is the Florida of England; where old people move to.
Manchester is more like... Detroit.

If he really does have a food allergy, getting pissed is understandable.

What, do you mean that tuppence ha’penny isn’t good enough for them?

My wife’s 6' 1". Can confirm.

And where in the hell is “12" the cutoff for a kids’ menu?!?!

In my view, the kids menu should have higher prices, due to all the extra noise, mess and extra work that kids cause.

Oh, stop discriminating against atheist children.

Sometimes dessert is called pudding, sometimes it’s called afters.
Sometimes supper is called tea, depending on when it’s served.
Sometimes it’s followed by evenings.
Sometimes sauce is called liquor, which is exactly the opposite of American where sometimes liquor is called sauce.

It’s not always about profit. Yeah, I know, Americans being the greediest people on the planet, but sometimes following what’s written and approved my management is a better long term strategy than making a fast penny.

Personally, I would not begrudge them saving a few bucks.

Yes, I would describe paneer as the thing that gets you the taste of tofu

Anyone who eats sweetened cereal should be abolished, in my not so humble opinion.  Then again, they get diabetes and die early anyhow.