
Xkcd did a strip charting how in the past 10 years, as smartphone camera technology has spread everywhere, the number of sightings have dropped. In spite of the increased likelihood of a Pacific Northwest hiker getting a video clip of Sasquatch, or the odds of a midnight stroller in the New Mexico desert catching a

probably on PCP, wouldn’t feel it for hours - Lance Hendriksen’s cop guy from The Terminator

That’s great!

There’s always Kentucky.

No, now it’s Florida. Welcome to the club.

there’s also the... no wait someone else referred to the Breakfast Club stunt.

Now playing

Look what happened when they gave a gun to the Homecoming Queen.

It looked like that guy fell down stunned when he tried to grab for it around the :57 mark. I thought he had gotten tased at that point.

some critiques:

And no shaky-cam. GODS I am sick of shaky-cam.

Given that the choices for movie-going this weekend is pretty slight...

dude is white.

What the ever-loving hell did that woman think she was doing? Where did she think the air vent was going to take her? That ain’t Nakatomi Plaza, lady, and you ain’t Bruce Willis.

it sounds like you need to be in range of a whole forest of Gyms that are spawning raids on an hourly basis.

The NFL should fine him the amount of profits he’s looking to make from selling the team. THAT kind of hit to a pocketbook means something to billionaires.


Did they explain the drumming ant?!?!?!

so we’re back to fighting over who gets to go into the swimming pools, just like in the 1960s.

SPACE DAD (appearing in the Black Diamond): And I’ll form the head!

If you morally object to something that involves your workplace, you need to find a new line of work.