
What the fuck? It’s a cosplay. Any other race of human impersonating any other race of human would not get backlash.

You’re just dense by repeating this all over. Blackface is a specific style of makeup, not just any makeup to alter white skin to appear black. Perhaps you’d also want to ban the music show “your face sounds familiar”? They paint somebody black or brown nearly every week and nobody complains, because intent matters.

Now playing

All I know is this reminds of David Chappelle talking about being scared shitless that people were going to be offended at his whiteface (and yes i get that this is a very understandable one sided thing with one face color change being far worse than the other) when he was doing these skits.

Isn’t that something of a facile position though?

I get why she was banned. American company American rules, but the whole idea that the whole planet is supposed to know and follow the cultural norms of the Anglo-sphere is absurd. Not only absurd but based rooted in the very same imperialist ideas that made colonials so certain that they were the cultured ones,

Completely agree. To cling to the easy standard that “blackface” (which, not being a caricature or parody, this cosplay isn't) is always bad regardless of intent is backwards logic that refuses to think progressively on the subject.

Context really does matter. There is a difference between making fun of/mocking by imitation and imitation out of respect and admiration. The kid who dressed up as MLK for a class project to dress up as a historical figure who is a role model and you admire is a perfect example. I get how it was done in the past and

Agree, the cosplayer here, did quite a good job on the makeup, if nobody would say, I would think she has black skin. Here, in eastern Europe, we have maybe about 1% of black people in the population, it’s not easy to try to appear as them, because there simply aren’t many occasions to interact with such persons, in

No, she can’t do that. If she just wear clothes it will be whitewashing .

I dont think thats blackface, blackface has special characteristics. And this is for cosplay, Id have 0 issues with a darker skinned person wearing white makeup to look like the character they want to play(be it white, red, purple, blue with polka dots or whatever). At the same time not changing your skin color for

Alright, I’m going to do my best to wade into a particularly tricky subject here without offending anyone. Wish me luck...

How come this does not go both ways? I have seen darker skinned cosplayers put on stuff to make their skin lighter if they are cosplaying white characters. 

Here’s my problem with unions — the seniority rules all mindset. The two guys with X years of seniority both earn $N and the guy with X-3 years earns less. And if somebody has to be let go, it’s the low-seniority guy who goes. In jobs (most of which have no been replaced by automation) where workers are essentially

Unions can be as corrupt as corporations....because unions are corporations.

Hyperbole much?

“To deal with ICE on any level is like reliving the Gestapo in WWII Germany.”

“I bet the cops will find it when I call and tell them you’ve stolen my car.”

A LOT of details have been omitted to the public. This is Jerry’s 3rd fist fight of the year, just the first at the track. He was upset because Hayden quit and went to work for his old team due to a laundry list of reasons. So jerry proceeded to go into the truck garage and started flapping his gabber in front of half

Dude, that isn’t even a joke. Here’s a story. So the place I worked for was a international shipping company and we shipped ANYTHING. We had a 5 million dollar turbine engine in a giant crate that was being sent down to Florida. As I was giving it the final inspection before it was loaded on a flatbed, I noticed two

Before the Twinkie company went bankrupt my cousin worked at a store that carried some of their products. He would receive half a truckload of Twinkies, and then later in the day another half a truckload of some other stuff the company produced. These trucks came from the same place.