could it BE any more smug?
could it BE any more smug?
What is the main gripe here? That Friends was a very white sitcom or that Lego made a set based on a very white sitcom, or that Lego didn’t add some diversity to their set based on a very white sitcom?
Your reaction shows that an innocent little jokey headline set you off a bit, dear.
Found the snowflake.
Can’t help but smell the smug off that title. *eye roll*
I know that the writers generally don’t write their own headlines, but never has it been more clear than right now.
They tried to charge you for goods or services that they were simultaneously refusing to serve you? I assume you laughed at them. What are they gonna do, kick you out?
Yes, that’s all any of us can do and it sucks. They are drunk with power. And I’m not even being sarcastic. Same with TSA. I was recently running late for a flight and the security line was out the door and barely moving because there was only ONE person checking boarding passes. I thought aloud “I’m going to miss my…
Was boarding a Southwest flight a few years ago with a small backpack and a carry-on bag. I had been making the same flight for work every other week for the past few months using the same bag and never had an issue, so you can imagine my surprise when a male flight attendant suddenly ripped the carry-on bag out of my…
Southwest isn’t the what they used to be. Now they seem to be just as expensive (if not more) with mediocre service and a fucking boarding number to fight for.
The difference is that she is getting paid to be inconvenienced while everyone else paid for the pleasure.
If you don’t want to deal with annoyed customers, don’t take a job where your primary duty is dealing with customers in an industry where they are often annoyed.
Or the sky waitress can do what other wait staff in the world have to do and just placate and move on.
The difference being she’s getting paid while the passengers are paying for the experience of not getting to their destination on time.
This broadly speaks to one of my pet peeves in life: Don’t talk to me the first time like you’ve already told me three times. In any situation. The flight attendant should start off with a polite but firm “I understand that you’re joking, but federal regulations forbid me from giving free alcohol for any reason, so…
The crowd standing up for the person would lead me to believe he’s not at fault in this situation.
Ageism my ass. I was a young person once and if present (old) me met past (young) me, present me would slap some goddamned sense into past me. It comes with the territory.
I just had an an encounter not unlike this one. Only it was with a nurse, over the phone, trying to get my THREE DAY LATE chemo drug sent to the pharmacy. She is very young too, and I’m sick of these ‘children’ getting all ‘extra’ when they aren’t in complete control of a situation. They don’t know how to handle even…
I’m guessing there’s more to the story (there often is when someone is claiming to be victimized in a baffling manner by a company, but certainly not always), but I’m also guessing whatever the more to the story is doesn’t justify calling the cops and getting the guy thrown off the plane.
LOL, just when you think you’ve seen everything from the rabid CFA haters, now they’re blaming them for an epidemic of teen suicides. Can’t wait for the next article, when we discover they’re also responsible for highway deaths due to their drive-thrus.