
She was clearly jaywalking on a multi-lane road. And she was an adult, let’s not play the kid game. And you don’t need a degree to know that jaywalking will eventually get you killed. Would you jaywalk onto a highway? No, because you know you will get killed. What’s different in jaywalking on regular street?

Officials in Boston are already asking car companies to stop testing autonomous cars on Boston streets as of this morning. Seems like state officials everywhere will halt autonomous car testing in the next few days, which is a shame because the pedestrian was clearly jaywalking.

Brave of you to publicly advocate for civil forfeiture. Most people think that’s horrible.

Everyone (every adult, anyway) was a teen at some point. Most of us managed not to murder someone for no good reason. These two have moved way beyond “incredibly misguided.”

There’s no repairing those children’s lives after what they saw. Those fucks don’t deserve rehabilitation, they don’t deserve tax payers money to eat. think you’d ever believe they were rehabbed enough to invite them into your home for dinner after what they did? Nnnope

I too think scum like these two need to be chucked in a cell and throw away the key. Cruel and usual punishment. The death penalty is too good for them.

Some people have no value for human life, those people need to be placed in a facility that has no windows. Leave them their until they expire, society has no need for them.