
I mean, it only seems fair.


May he.

Well, can he?

So what? there are a lot of people who are on oxygen.

I am also pro-choice, and I concur....once the baby is out and separate from the mother, it is it’s own person. and “finishing the abortion” (i.e. killing a newborn) should count as murder. The reason I am pro-choice is because a woman gets to determine what happens to her body, and I believe the baby counts as an

Your opinion is completely understandable. Its a real ethical dilemma and its something physicians struggle with all the time. But ultimately, we can’t make the decision of whether someone’s life would be “worth living” for them. Many people with severe disabilities have enjoyable lives, and as I said below, I’m

Your point is well taken, but again the description of what has happened really isn’t very specific. Its hard to say what they mean by damage- is it his immaturity thats the problem, etc. But lets argue that he does have traumatic lung damage. Its very possible to live with the removal of a lobe or two of your lungs,

Yeah your guns will do well against a Reaper drone. Do you honestly believe that if there was some sort of armed civil conflict that your cap guns would be able to defend you from the power of our military? I wish people like you would finally get your day in the Sun and see just how defenseless you would be if the

Amazing that a company celebrating the sexual destruction of women for hordes of wonderful men jacking off to fantasies of absolute dominance over a battered piece of tits and ass wouldn’t actually be feminist. How could we have been so wrong?

Countdown begins for Slate.com to publish an article about how these potentially unfounded allegations may have prematurely ended an otherwise laudable career of choking out and punching women while sodomizing and verbally degrading them.