
Yes, yes. Simply perfect, a bit of ace weather I must say.

Yeah, my father takes care of that. She's 46 years old this year btw...

Best way to kill a car? New or old, simple.

Hey, that wasn't nice. Smurfs are harmless.

C'mon... that there is a '68 Dodge Swinger with a Hemi.

But it was a snow globe. There is no snow (except that one rare day) in Las Vegas, so this is not normal. If you said a Fabulous Glittery Globe with a scene from the Strip, then no problem.

Toothpaste? What were you going to do? Dental hygiene the whole plane?

Well, they were able to catch the small bottle of water (not the big one) my wife accidentally forgot in her canvas bag carry-on at McCarran the other day. Needless to say, we were surprised as was the TSA officer who dragged us over to tell us that there was a problem with our bag.

Yeah, they are the Daily Mail. If it weren't for a need for poor writing, tabloid sensationalism, and pictures of famous people who are famous for being famous, then the Daily Mail would evaporate.

That whole last line you had there... try to drive in Montreal. You just described Montreal, Quebec. Honestly, drive Montreal. Try it. And then do it in a snow storm at -15 degrees Celcius with a hard wind blowing from the east.

Do you guys even have any potholes there in Las Vegas? If so, then I missed seeing any, even along Decatur I didn't even see one crack in the road.

I think I got stuck in traffic in front of New York, New York for maybe the total of the stoplight being red.

I have been stuck in traffic in New York City. And it sucks. Never had someone cut in on me with only maybe 10 inches of space between me and the next bumper in front, but they did. Then the bike couriers hanging onto my rear corner to keep balance at a stop light. Then there is the taxi cabs. And no parking

Dude, grandma is only 36 years old, that is still five years younger than me! The MILFy goodness is probably only 20 (I didn't have the heart to ask). But damn, someone in that family is doing something right, mom rides in on full sized loaded to the gills riding on rubber bands Suburban. "Granny" comes in on

Nothing like driving into a place like Las Vegas. And probably owning a car in Las Vegas is going to be good too as there is usually not enough snow ever to require things like snow tires or road salt. In fact, it is so dry, that street slicks will probably do for most cars. I doubt that you need a car wash there

That's a funny video! BWahahahaha! Any idiot worth their weight in molded hard plastic and tube steel knows that Power Wheels are the best for drifting. That is how the Japanese train their young to be Drift Champions.

There is a woman who picks up her kid at my kid's school. I always thought it was the mother (pretty darned hot) and the other girl who would come once in a while was the oldest sister (not too hard on the eyes either).

Oh... THAT IS EPIC. you need to share that on Imgur (a lot of my friends can not get Jalopnik at work) and wait for the chuckles to roll in.

Meanwhile, it might be the find of a lifetime for this dude pictured here.

This probably has not much to do with the car. No one company ever regularly tests a car to that point of destruction as seen in the picture. That and a sweeping left turn slightly off camber and a diagonal cut the other way, would mean a different story.