
"gravely deficient"?

Nah, the worst battery in the world is the Dollar Store ones. They don't last and you can only re-charge them so often...

Karma. It comes back to balance the books.

No, I went to Harlingen to see a friend of mine I knew from meeting in Malaysia (strange where people end up for work, ain't it?) and if I were driving (versus the other friend I stayed with) I'd probably stay around longer in places like Corpus Christi, but you are at someone else mercy and schedule, so all was good.

Austin, Houston, Dallas, drove through Fort Worth (something about an airport), Galveston where I met and helped a graduate student from one of the Universities there (wasn't A+M) collect jelly fish that washed up on shore (did you know you can hold jellies by their gas bag without being stung? I just read that there

Why thank you. There are a few others that are in the same boat as this one (in Canada no less!), but none as famous as this for their student body.

Ahhhh... but these are not just any ordinary high schoolers. They are the elite, the future statesmen, the next generation corporate leaders, the up and coming power players in the business world. These titans of industry and politics will guide the world in a decade.

Well, hopefully they have better discharge circuitry than Tesla does.

Well, I never visited Kentucky other than drive through rather quickly... but if you read my post I don't say anywhere that Texas is the only state with guns. Let me read that over again... nope, said it, "...visiting a place like Texas..."

In a few words, "Don't deep discharge Lithium Polymer batteries. Ever. They don't recover well or if at all."

Has something to do with the batteries themselves. You can not have it deep discharge or it never recovers and you have a brick.

I think that you are right. If Tesla uses Li-Poly batteries (pretty sure it does) which are "dry" laminate battery packs versus something with an organic solvent to move the electron charge, then you can not have it deep discharge or it never recovers and you have a brick.

St. George's School, Canada's West Coast day and boarding school for the top spot. Who needs college when in Canada we have Boarding Schools that cater to a certain segment of clientele.

Ummmm... I don't know, but I will take a guess. Is it because Hummer owners think that they are god-like when they are driving in their machines?

No matter what, whenever, where ever you are, you roll on up in a Esprit, you are styling like no one else.

Okay, if there is a few things that I have learned it is that there are mods for cars out there I have not even dreamed of... combine that with when visiting a place like Texas is that you can put a gun rack in ANY vehicle.

Most crazies have already used those to make the soup...

Actually it doesn't surprise me.

Cesar is right, your truck is junk. The tires aren't even round.

They're both dicks. Neither won and neither lost. How so? Well, the bicyclist is on a bicycle and the driver is in a Hyundai. About even.