If the workers left it there, then who would be at fault?
If the workers left it there, then who would be at fault?
Yup, but Jalopnik covered it a few months back. Not sure if it was a decade though, but a not too recent past trolling.
Yes, it was pee you pants, milk through the nose, hot coffee spat on my keyboard/monitor/mouse funny.
I think that they have that show already' it's called "This Old House"
Yes, it was the perfect troll and people fell for it too. The best part was the guy panned out on the shot to prove the nay-sayers that it was really a diff gear welded.
This guys is about as good as the welded differential guy from a few months back.
I am more impartial to cars I can drive with the modern conveniences like new seats, advanced technology brakes, an alarm system, and air bags (I ain't such a good driver). So crack pipe.
You don't want to see what I wanted to post in this thread, but if you do a Google Image Search on "4chan leave the apple store" and then click first image you see in the upper left corner, then you will know what I think of Apple fanbois and their ilk.
And you beat me to that saying...
Nah, the king of customizations is Linux still. But no stickers, you supply the car (good or bad or old or new) and Linux gives you the good gas.
Doesn't Russia have enough problems than to start picking on their hipsters?
Blind followers? Gee, you are being WAYYYYY too kind.
It is the same as in Russia, only with cars.
Whoops! My bad. I had too many images open and this one got pasted in by mistake (I knew I should have chosen the Opel one).
We just have yellow flashing lights that turn on at specified times... problem is though, the flash light never seems to turn off between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.
A Google Streetview car. Why? Because how else can you get a cool moving journal/log of where you have gone in those 200,000 miles in a year.
Nope, it is one of the dumbest studies. Ever. Problem is that we are sponsoring this type of research with our tax dollars. Somehow...
Too expensive for that car.
Most men do. Heck, I did.
Dang it, the original VW Beetle in black and white was up there, but something ate the picture... AUGH!