
Well, this is the grand-daddy of Beetles, really... but I do like the colour red up there.

My obvious vote goes to this one. The people car for sure and all that it spawn like the Thing, Karmann Ghia, and later Super Beetle models.

I hear ya. I have a 100 foot driveway (lots of trees out front and rocks and stuff) and I back into it everyday as does my wife with her car. The neighbours down the road started doing it too because they "got it".

Yeah, ever since I thought about that day and what would have happened if it were a little different. I always end up with getting my butt tossed in jail by the same cop who came and did the write up.

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At least this was a better built Chevy product than this one...

See I always try to back in and it is the norm up here in Canada-land. BUT when I go down to the good old US of A, the parking lots at the malls and WalMarts are herring bone style and they tell you to pull in forwards. I just don't understand why...

Like my mother backing out of the garage, all we know is what the outcome was.

Always wanted this. My mother's perpetually single friend drove a Triumph TR6 in green with the little Union Jack on the back quarter panel. Something happened to the original steel wheels on it, so she bought telephone dial steel wheels. When I was 14 (she had the thing for more than a decade of driving), she

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I came here to see something awesome, instead I was given this? All the guy did was what my mother did to correct the start of a bad situation when pulling out of the garage. She started to hit/scrape the side of the garage doorway with her Cadillac (quite audibly too)... so she did what every Asian mother does.

Seriously, what kind of sicko would cause this kind of disaster?

In that case, I would move. But then again, there is no insurance against dumbasses.

Yah know, you really don't need to anchor those that much. Just make sure that they are hooked on to each other securely. If they can hit a K-barrier and drag it and others with it, then that is a big fully loaded cement truck going at a good clip and nothing will stop it.

Put Snooki in front of the house. Everything would bounce off of it.

Simple solution. Move. Or put up Jersey barriers and plastic lawn furniture (that stuff lasts forever).

James Garner and the whole Rockford Files thing... I used to double pace it home to be in time to watch that program after school. Then I found out he was in movies too. Then I got interested in cars.

It's flat. And reminds me of light to light NASCAR. And if you aren't in anything larger or taller than a minivan/SUV/DONK, then you ain't going to see further than the license plate of the car in front of you. And since when does following someone at 4 inches or stopping only when the bumpers meet constitute

Believe it or not, I never seen those on the 80's 5-series BMW's. Those are humoungous. What I usually saw were these things over there...

I would have just followed close under the Ferrari for the longest time just to piss him off.

Why bother? Take a taxi or the subway. New York SUCKS to drive in.

I recall the one brown stain on my mind when my mother started LOOKING OVER HER SHOULDER INTO HER BLINDSPOT AFTER she started to change lanes.