With vodka in her veins

Yeah, I like Anna, but I’m still trying to figure out if this article is low-grade trolling or if Jezebel’s writers are just that out of touch with how Gawker Media/Jezebel is perceived in the wider world. Personally I’m shocked Clinton’s camp even pretended to entertain an interview proposition.

That’s okay. I am still bitter about having to actually do my job today in the absence of Gawker.

Perhaps that people actually read the comments on GM sites so it has more impact? I have colleagues who have refused offers to work with Jezebel because of a combination of the comments and the site’s reputation.

So not my best opening comment ever then? Gimme a mulligan on this one and I’ll try again later

Bunch of fucking Bernouts complaining that Hillary won’t give you free clicks? Fuck off back to St. Bernie and cry on his wrinkly shoulder about it.

I think you will do well commenting if you focus on clever comments and not commenting on how the other commenters won’t like you.

Woke is so six weeks ago.

Given the decidedly pro-Bernie slant to your primary coverage, it’s not a surprise she wouldn’t want to speak to Jezebel. Add in the fact that you want to tie her to a decades-old and never charged sexual assault her husband allegedly committed (one that Ken Starr even dismissed) and you wonder why you’re getting

So I guess the NAACP better get up to speed and change to the NAAPOC - how dare they hang onto their racist old moniker!

I feel like the active and notoriously unforgiving commentariat is definitely a factor in not giving an interview to Jezebel. I know I would advise a client to not interview with Jezebel unless they were prepared for a full autopsy in the gallery of the comments. Sometimes this picking apart is entirely fair.

I think the difference is that he didn’t immediately get why “POC” and “colored people” were so different, but once informed he was unequivocal in his apology- he came off as sincerely sorry, embarrassed, quite clear on why it was offensive, but it had to be explained to him. This lady, on the other hand, seems to

I don’t know, it does honestly sound like she did mean to say “people of color” and it came out wrong.

Not offensive.

Yeah, “colored people" is ok (for me) to say.

I don’t think Amy Robach is a racist who runs around calling non-white people “coloreds.” I do, however, think it would be helpful and good for people to be more conscious of the words they use especially on national television shows.

You see, folks, this is what happens when you don’t have a woke bae or a woke friend in your life to explain that “people of color” is not exactly the same thing as “colored people.”

Strange how fine a distinction there is to be made, but I guess it makes sense.

I think even “disabled people” vs. “people with disabilities” doesn’t have such a dramatic difference.

Ooof. It’s like a train wreck, you can see it coming and then BAM it hits you.

“colored people” = totally offensive