
I think all parties in this are coming from a place they feel passionate about. Just because one or more of these people's opinion and passion does not match the reader's does not mean it is false (though, it could be).

Marcus certainly has the right to say it; I just suggested that perhaps his comments are just as counter-productive for the entire industry as the "outrage of the week" posts from Kotaku's writers. But, here I am wasting my time commenting on it - so I guess we are ALL participants in this cycle of

Whereas I agree that Kotaku has been becoming little more than a click-bait faux-drama circle jerk written by shitty bloggers... the idea that folks like Patricia Hernandez and Jason Schreier do not have the right to report what they want, and should just "get the fuck out of the industry" is itself juvenile and

Well, the one disc thing does not matter in the least - I mean all in one package. Now, if some of the games are downloads, that is a different story. I hate collections that are just a bunch of slips of paper with download codes on them!

What makes it good is that it's all the MGS games on one disc, on one platform. I like that prospect. I'm not counting on HD, I'm wanting all of the MGS games with the ability to play them back-to-back on my PS3... Decisions, decisions!

I usually wait on games too, but I pick up collections early on because they tend to have a lot of value in them. Oh well.

I now feel like a real chump by buying the previous collection; when MGS1 is the only MGS I really care about.

There's the problem - I'm at Ego 215 with no Detonators and my splash rockets are too slow and ineffective against E-Rep soldiers. They shred me very quickly.

I think the game is very MMO-y. No single player game would get away with quests and AI like this! That said - I am having fun with it. Adding just one more player to pal around with makes it all a ton more fun.

This is the first MMO I've put time into, and I think I like it - it is oddly addictive and I have enjoyed my time so far despite the somewhat boring MMO missions, constant nickel0abd-diming, and endless grind (par for the course for any MMO, I'd bet).

Yes, master. Money.

Or, maybe you are just believing what the dev is telling you in order to do damage control. Maybe, maybe not. I hate the semantics of the whole thing - 'no, it's not been cut out of the game, it is a "bonus"!'

Yeah, it's a real problem! But... I can quit whenever I want to.

It did, and actually - they kind of all did. But I would still buy the living hell out of sequels!

I actually agree with that sentiment; though I'd go even further and say that I think all the Lucasarts adventures from that era ended on a way that I was at peace with them and could do without sequels. That said, I would buy sequels of them in a heartbeat. It's crazy!

For all those who want Full Throttle II and Grim Fandango II... (like I do)

Take a read through the discussion I had with Americo Luke, I see that there is a lot of confusing wording in this story (as to who said what and by what method the ranger mode is being offered as).

The PC Gamer article has the word "pre-order" in it NINE times, I can see how people were confused (including me; though, full disclosure - I made my knee-jerk reaction post before fully reading the PC Gamer article).

To be fair, the original article is sloppily written, too. They have the word "pre-order" splashed throughout it, so I can see how people would be confused.