
The PC Gamer article says pre-order all the way through it, so I can see how Kotaku would misconstrue and report it how they did - hopefully they clarify this blip article.

I say again: It's a shitty move to take a game mode and make it a bonus/reward/whatever, and semantics won't change that.

It's a mode the developer says is key to playing the game the way it is intended. Not all people will receive it.

"Offering game content as a pre-order exclusive is a requirement by retail"

Exactly what I was thinking.

I've thought for decades now that Terry Austin does a super job of keeping the spirit of a penciller's work, or even elevating it. Inkers are damn important.

I definitely get what you're saying. I just don't particularly like the outcome of a lot of it when everyone looks like a generic action figure with a different hairstyle and outfit. I'm not saying I'm right or wrong, it's just a little pet peeve of mine.

Green Lantern, what the hell were you even aiming at? You're at point-blank range!

Many hands touch the art, but it is the penciller who first fleshes it out - if every character on the page is almost an exact body-double for every other character on the same page, that is on the penciller.

I'm in my 30s so I had stuff a lot less sophisticated, graphics-wise, scare the bejesus out of me! I don't know what triggered this fear of playing scary games, I went from playing hours of Doom in dark rooms at age 13 to being a 30-something too unnerved by the jumps in Doom 3 to play it.

It just seems like taking the easy way out and lacking imagination; that said, I should not have worded my initial comment as such a 'blanket-statement' as if every artist in comics is drawing the same people over and over - it just seems that some people do, especially in the very super-hero-y stuff.

I am getting a little tired of every costume nowadays being drawn with glowy bits on it. It's like padded shoulders and pockets for the 2010's.

I've never been great with scary games. I like tension, but not frights and jump-scare stuff. I like the tension of Bioshock, but not the AAAAR RIGHT BEHIND YOU of a game like Dead Space.

Thanks for the opinions, everyone. Thanks Rathorial for the XboxMouse/JoyToKey recommendations. I might try that with my laptop sending HDMI to the big-screen.

I'm a big console fan, but man - I sure find myself thinking about going PC. It's started to happen in small ways, with smaller games bought on Steam and GOG. My Xbox 360 controller works with just about every PC game I want it to.

Riker ain't got time for none of this 'back of the chair' bullSHIT! He's got shit to DO.


I think both parties will be richer for the separation. Good on Desilet for sticking to his guns and getting out... again.

Thanks. It could be a real eye-opener to people who assumed all Germans were right on board with the Nazi Party stuff (I forget sometimes, too).

I'd be interested in a game that follows a squad of regular German Army soldiers, disillusioned by what the Nazi SS are doing and trying to make it out of the frontlines.