I hear you. I find that Kotaku in particular (and I'm sure the rest of the gaming sites on the internet could be placed here, as well) has become like a never-ending ambulance siren, whining on and on forever into infinity about every goddamn thing.
Darn, I thought this movie was going to be about trolling as a whole, and touch on misogyny, racist, homophobia, and all the rest; not just one facet of the problem.
Attending my first FCBD today, looking forward to the Marvel Infinity preview.
It's like sewing denim directly onto your thighs... sure, it may cover up one problem, but it makes a whole lot more.
I find that Capcom does not release complete editions as much as other publishers... they really stick to their guns on DLC. Still waiting for a complete Asura's Wrath with the damn ending included; which, it seems, is never coming.
It's the version I wait for... one of the only upsides to having a big backlog is that you can wait to buy complete editions of games.
Heck yeah. I'd buy a WiiU for Luigi's Mansion on my big-screen.
I agree on the subtitle size/prominence.
Disney now owns it. They, like most media mega-corporations, like to hoard IPs. They have no incentive to sell - almost no offer would be enough to get them to relinquish it.
Ain't no party like an MLB video game crowd party.
No way on earth you could kickstart enough funds to buy the IP from Disney! Sad, but true.
They mostly went to digital distribution, XBLA/PSN games or Steam.
If I remember correctly, I bought it on PC and was horribly disappointed. I don't think I even finished the first level of the game. The controls and camera were terrible.
It would be interesting to see sanity effects in the game to affect your character.