
That's all fine with me - if you want to give them support & money, then have at it. I don't have much else to day on it, really. I'm still of the opinion that they're a bad risk at this point in time, but it's good for them to have people like you who believe in them. I'm not looking to change your mind about it.

They certainly seem to need as much help as they can get.

I admit it was a poor choice of phrasing on my part.

If this is true, I'm very surprised they didn't just have a sale to sell out the remaining inventory. I remember when I bought my 20GB Xbox 360 on sale at Best Buy and then found out they were selling them at the sale price to clear inventory before discontinuing them and bringing out the 60GB version.

"Pulling those screenshots would have been doing a disservice to our readers—and insulting your intelligence in the process."

Well, if I was able to reply to his video, I'd say:

Here's your difference:

I think it might be Ka-zar?

Sorry, I just get really excited when anyone in North America does a Moebius reference. I got into Moebius in a BIG way when I got back into comics last year.


On that note, where the hell is an Arzach video game?! Any of Moebius' sci-fi/fantasy settings could be pretty amazing in video game form.

I agree.

Upon looking at Best Buy (Canada) pricing on the current Asus Transformers, I'm not confident this will be even CLOSE to the $350 price point.

I tell everyone I can about that episode. I think it was my first exposure to Adventure Time, and to say I was blown away by the storytelling was an understatement. I was a bit shocked at a cookie attempting suicide in a "kid" show, but damn if I didn't appreciate the story.

Well to be fair, just about everything on Kotaku is sort-of marketing.

You're probably right, but you're also a jerk.

That's the first thing I saw, too.

Literally everything I've seen and played of this game has reminded me of mid-tier games like Fracture & Inversion. I'm ok with that, but a lot of people are going to be pissed.

We're all just speculating right now - s'all good.