
Guess what - gamers need to have their eyes opened to reality once in a while, and articles and blog posts on real things are an attempt to do that; to show how media like games affects people with differing experiences and viewpoints.

I refuse to look at anything other than 70s cosmic!

You must have missed it. Kotaku already shot its load big-time over the Aliens CM debacle. Soon, they'll beat this horse into pulp as well, and move on to the next shitstorm. There's always another on the way.

That sounds like a pretty realistic simulation of the real world, actually.

Torment: Numenara hit its goal in about 6 hours, I think.

Now playing

Yeah, Shadowruns Returns is looking spectacular thus far.

Now playing

This is what modern isometric Fallout would probably look like. (Wasteland 2) Fitting, since Wasteland was a primary influence for Fallout.

Yeah, I always get carried away and end up going 2-3 hours between saves... suddenly the ability to save and reload to erase mistakes becomes a lot less useful! I did find myself actually hitting ctrl-z a couple of times.

They've needed this for a long time (not in just this version of Sim City) - dealing with highway-to-avenue transitions in Sim City 4 this week has wasted a lot of my simoleons.

I played about 10-15 hours of Sim City 4 last week; while all the rest of the world was waiting for a server for the new Sim City. I bet I had a lot more fun.

Now playing

It does kind of read the same way as as Tony Hayward's "I'd like my life back" comment in regards to the BP oil spill, doesn't it?

It'll be interesting to see part 2. I thought overall the video was quite well done and well thought-out. Too bad the Tomb Raider reboot just came out, I'd like to hear Ms. Sarkeesian discuss that game in regards to this trope.

Now playing

Key and Peele did a much better "racism despite zombie apocalypse" sketch. Featuring Kevin Sorbo?!

Love that game so much, and I remember how amazing the retail box was... so shiny!

Not at launch. Never at launch. But, sometime down the road? Maybe. I'm getting pretty old.

Great post. I was somewhat skeptical about the Ouya throughout the Kickstarter - so much that I considered cancelling my pledge and waiting out... but then I decided to just roll with it. $100 for just a media streaming box alone is a fair price, in my opinion. The games and other things are bonus, and are looking

I bought into Ouya for media streaming and not so much for games, but I have to say a lot of the news around Ouya lately has me excited about the potential of games on that system. It just might be really good on the game front for smaller indie-style games (and of course, emulation).

Maybe they're trying to pull in the Pinterest demographic - my wife would be able to scroll through a screen full of this cluttery shit for a good long time.

Just release a complete version of Asura's Wrath with the whole game & ending DLC on disc, you buggers. You made my day when I was able to order Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen edition earlier this month. I know you can do it.