I think it will get lots of use by a subset of users, but no one else will give a crap.
I think it will get lots of use by a subset of users, but no one else will give a crap.
I don't know... to me, receiving 2 free games with a pre-order beats the hell out of the recent trend of withholding certain single-player content & missions unless the game is pre-ordered (Far Cry 3 monkey business missions, for example).
Plot Twist: In an attempt to bolster Sony's failing TV business, they announce at E3 that the only way to get a PS4 is to buy a $2500 Bravia TV with the tech built-in. The TV's screen measures 22 inches and only connects to other devices using a new proprietary connecter no one has heard of before.
Goddamn Tommy-Douglascare! Costing us all our jerbs!
If anything, you could say the touchpad on the controller is akin to the Ouya.
You press 'play', and the video does all the work.
Actually, I have to disagree. If they do truly get it right, I think Occulus will have a real challenge on their hands to properly explain what makes their product "right" when so many have done it wrong. It'll be doubly important they convey their innovations.
The past several years have shown that a generic military shooter cannot simply be "pretty good". It has to be spectacular, do something new in terms of scenarios/set pieces/story, and have a real gameplay hook that equates fun experiences. I see a little bit of these qualities here, but not all three.
XBMC was the feature that sold the Ouya to me. A rubik's cube sized XMBC media player? Yes please.
If a company limits the ability to sell plenty of copies of a game and make money, games like this won't exist - period. The more platforms this game works on, the better.
Well, it won't get made at all without Kickstarter, so....
I hope you're right.
Great. All that's left is for Bayonetta 2 to un-exclusive itself and my dark plan will be complete.
If VR headset makers cannot properly explain their product and dispel myths about it to an audience that actually reads info about them, it's hardly the audience's fault.
Nah, no satire. It really read that you might want an analog stick on the side of the Oculus Rift. It gave me a good laugh either way.
Wait... you want to see an analog stick on the side of the headset itself? I imagine the lawsuits after people try to throw their controllers in frustration and almost take their own heads off! ;-)
Dif'rent strokes. I'd prefer to have a small movement of my head replace a keystroke rather than wear a VR headset and have screens that close to my eyes.
Do you really believe that after Oculus Rift releases, the rest of the world will simply dust their hands and say, "Well there it is - everyone else stop what you're doing with VR concepts because this is the be all and end all!" That seems really naive.
How soon people forget the webcam head-tracking mod made about 18 months ago...