
Thanks for the recommendation on Sword Art Online.

Yup, Super Mario World - my error. I'm getting old, you know...

True. However, I wonder if complaints from the parents about a system sitting around not being played while Johnny still begs for the newest Xbox shooters will cause them to balk at a new Nintendo... probably not, but hey I am just speculating here.

From the article: "Nintendo Land and New Super Mario Bros. U are Nintendo's only confirmed launch day games (man, there better be more)"

Yes, that is what I'm referring to. I sure hope this thing launches with more than just Nintendoland as the only Day 1 game!

You asked me to elaborate, so I elaborated! That's how we got onto the escapism thing.

I think the Wii U is actually starting to look interesting... but not on Day 1. No way am I settling on a mini-game collection as my launch purchase - made that mistake once before with the Wii. I'd also be a lot happier if the Deluxe bundle stayed below the psychological threshold of $300.

Holy crap... where did I leave that $350 again....? Wii U has re-emerged on my radar.

I wonder, though, if even the moms and grandmas have learned from the Wii that a new, inexpensive system will collect dust in Johnny's room without having an established game library he wants to play? Maybe, maybe not. It'll be interesting to see what happens.

Already explained it. VR requires you to strut around your home with a face-helmet. So long as that remains the foundation of VR, that alone starts and ends the discussion of VR ever ending up in my home. I am not putting screens an inch from my eyes with a gaudy helmet and flailing about my house like a crazy

Not so. I'm giving it a chance, I just have stated that I simply don't like VR. I hope it makes everyone's dreams come to fruition in terms of delivering on the promises of VR systems already come and gone, but I still simply dislike the core principles that VR will always be based upon. It's not my idea of a good

As long as VR asks you to wear a helmet on your face, which will be always, it just isn't for me.

I saw the Citroen GT last week in Paris - my wife didn't know what the hullabaloo was about it. I should have taken a picture with it - it was stunning.

Interesting point. It sure would be cool to see the promises of old tech making good, but I still don't have to be a fan of the technology when that happens. As it stands, it does not look like I will be.

The wikis and faqs stage may include watching videos.

I figure I'll wait to start playing and then have fun with the Wikis & FAQs. I want to try to go in cold (or at least luke-warm) to the experience.

I wonder how many will proclaim that VR works when it remains a niche product that makes a huge number of people either recoil in horror or remain completely indifferent. VR has its apologists as well as its naysayers.

This is one of those games where I have tried to stay away from as many previews as possible - I think I'll be rewarded with a richer experience filled with more surprises and wow-moments. Highly anticipating this one.

American McGee, creating a game in Shanghai, using Japanese historical influences... the mind reels. It just doesn't seem like a trio of phrases that should go together.

There are a lot of reasons to go with either route.