
I guess a glass-half-empty person will argue that people are "penalized" by not pre-ordering. A glass-half-full kind of person will see it as an extra "incentive" to pre-order. It just so happens that today, as a person who does not plan on pre-ordering, is sitting on the half-empty side of the fence.

Yes I would, and I see your point. However I would not try to sell my client an improvement before I even deliver the initial finished product, nor would I offer them a retailer-specific incentive to pre-buy the work from me, or else charge them full price if they wait. I guess that's what makes me a cranky-pants

In other words, I'm an old curmudgeon.

I lived through the last major attempt at VR (80s), and thank goodness I kept it at arms' length then. That experience can't help but foster my skepticism now.

"Shady business" is exactly what I would call it, when you add in the fact there is also retailer-specific pre-order bonuses.

I'm a self-employed graphic designer. If I turned around a job and then kept making little tweaks and improvements after delivering the final product and asking for more money, I'd be dropped by my clients pretty quickly.

Pre-ordering can have its own set of challenges, for sure.

Experience with Borderlands 1 tells me that a year later you can get the same game with a ton of more content, less than the cost it would be to preorder now. I'm not suggesting this is the path for everyone to take, it just seems like it'll work (again) for me.

I don't particularly LIKE waiting 6-12 months to buy a "complete" game. It's just the reality of the situation.

Nope, still have to finish #1. Who am I kidding, I have every reason to wait until the inevitable ultimate/goty edition. By the time I get around to finishing Borderlands 1, #2 GOTY will probably be out.

That's become the approach of pretty much every major publisher/developer. Can't say I'm a fan.

Ha ha, yeah, I get you. But damned if that didn't look great as I typed it.

There MS goes again... trying to dictate what kind of room setup their customers have to have to use their products.

As far as I know they'll always need to include a head-mounted peripheral for VR - that'll never change. I'll never wear one: no way are screens going an inch from my eyes; no way am I strutting around my house with a half-helmet on my head; I can be happy with the current level of immersion games give without

10 bucks for a character class? I really don't like what DLC has done to an industry that is already run almost purely on greed and maximum profit at any cost.

I find it difficult to properly convey my intense dislike of the recent resurgence of Virtual Reality / Head mounted display technomasturbation bullshit.

I miss Seaman. Why the hell didn't Seaman 2 come over to North America?

It's so strange sometimes to be over the age of 30 and see all these (imo) terrible fad technologies making their second or third go-round. 3D and VR, just fuck off... AGAIN.

Yeah, good point. Maybe Treyarch are just washing their hands of the actual game now, other than it following the same general storyline they've set up.

Better? Not necessarily.