You'd think that a multi-BILLION dollar franchise would not leave gameplay of their Vita debut up to the same studio that arguably eff-ed up the Resistance franchise's big Vita debut.
You'd think that a multi-BILLION dollar franchise would not leave gameplay of their Vita debut up to the same studio that arguably eff-ed up the Resistance franchise's big Vita debut.
I am a huge Niven and Ringworld fan, but your opinion is entirely valid. It's not for everyone.
Certainly would have been a risk too much to bear for a full-scale release. I think they could have done some sort of direct (well, probably through a third-party) sale of special edition discs. I'd pay $60 for that. And I'm a guy who almost never pays $60 for any domestic release... some of these quirky titles get…
I've always thought this was a stupid argument. Me not buying something I don't want makes the future dearth of titles all my fault... but the publisher selling something in a way people like myself don't want to buy? Still the consumer's fault. What?
Definitely a good move, but a special edition (pre-order or direct-order) physical release would have netted them my money.
If I could import it in English for 4 times the price, it would still be worth it to me. Far as I know the Japan release has no english language or else it would be en route to me long ago.
Digital-only release in both Europe & North America? Crummy. Mark one sale lost to an old curmudgeon who was holding out for a physical release.
I don't like the idea of the big two 2013-launch consoles fighting for dominance over a streaming service offering that I want no part of... but it does make one wonder if Microsoft is indeed the third party buyer.
Hmm, perhaps I'm not the only one wondering about the possibility of a new video game crash in the next few years.
Best Buy in Canada had a deal on pre-ordering Sleeping Dogs & Darksiders 2 that was simply too good to pass up. I wanted to support THQ as they get their head on straight so I think it's worth jumping on board on day 1.
Pre-ordered in Feb. However, I don't think Pandora's Tower is coming to North America, no matter how The Last Story performs. I still can't believe they brought The Last Story over.
I'm playing through this right now, the wonky controls (when compared to modern games) are pretty easy to adapt to after a couple of levels. This is one IP I really wish would get dusted off and given a sequel.
I cry every time I see that scene. In my top 5 movies of all time.