
Why is it always so fun when it's someone ELSE'S family?

Well, they periodically have to change things up!

So...soup with Flamin' Hot Cheetos croutons?

Has he heard about the lady vote?

Yes! Think of all the great screen shots!

I was very proud of how Ellen kept it together at the end. I mean, wasn't this a golden opportunity for a comedian?

Stop with all your crazy physics talk! Kim's hair blows in whatever direction looks best. The rules don't apply to her.

Alfre-as-Idris sounds like the beginning of an amazing sci-fi film...

Perfect for all the pets!

I know it's far but...in my Crazy Cat Conspiracy scenario, it's possible! Maybe he's air-dropping them with little parachutes!

She is SO adorable to me! Give her a hug!

Does a dog get a manicure or a pedicure? Or do we just call it a mani-pedi?

I think Rob Ford is sending out an army of Cute Canadian Cats to distract us from his drama.


Vanilla vodka!

This is probably the only time less Billy Joel made me sad.

How many exhausted parents will now say "go hang out with your sister"?

What if someone manages to "catch" a "real" "illegal immigrant"? I mean, why waste time on someone in a fake shirt?

"Race-themed?" Like...Chariots of Fire?