
Aww babe, thank you!

As if I’d get advice on taste from someone in Arizona. 

Having owned a couple Audi’s over the years I can say with some confidence that at the 5 year mark, everything should still be working fine, especially given the mileage here and the claimed regular maintenance. The next 2 years are when the dice go in the shaker. So the seller is definitely moving it at the right

The Cadillac Sixteen was a masterpiece that would have given Cadillac the Bugatti of sedans, but I think GM did realize beating Rolls-Royce at their own game was beyond their willingness to open the money purse.

This is still terrible. I used to have a 2012 WRX that would get me mixed use 27mpg in the suburbs and 24 when I moved somewhere a little more urban. Since then they made the car uglier, got rid of the 5 door, made the fuel economy worse, and only added like 5 horsepower. They’ve gone from a beloved manufacturer to

Dodge Charger.

I want some other competitor to offer HotWheels cars or something like that and count them towards their sales volume.

Ford and Toyota are both taking a very measured approach to EVs. We haven’t been talking about there being lithium or other material shortages on the horizon that make the chip shortage look mild, but they’re there. Having ICE units to move without running afoul of optimistic projections is a great insurance policy.

Meanwhile I bought the most stripped down GTI they ever made to avoid being stuck with a fucking sunroof. Sunroof is just a way of asking for water to eventually be in your car. Plus less headroom, added weight, etc. If I want the fresh air I’ll take my Miata out. 

When will we get to a time where people stop panicking over media hype of bullshit viruses like this... jezus fuck... the basic flu kills 10,000+ people every year and because this news stems from China and is blown up by our mindless media outlets people freak out. If they had stated “the flu” and not added a coole

Using the term “designed” in regards to whatever this is is a MAJOR stretch.

Yeah I’m at a loss: I’m used to seeing Mustangs without grilles. In fact I’m not sure if I remember what a Mustang grille looks like.

I’ll just leave this here.

One of the worse things I see in this report is the ignoring of the construction workers. I’m a good enough engineer to know I don’t know everything. A guy with a high school education that has actually done stuff with his hands and not just on a computer knows a lot more about how things actually work than I do. Some

I’m sure Kenny Loggins has something to say about screw ups in this trailer.


As a former breastfeeding mom who rarely pumped or used bottles, I think that it’s important to include with this story that pumping moms often do a combination of feeding from the breast and feeding expressed milk from bottles so that they can keep their milk supply going. Pumping keeps the milk flowing, which is

It’s never a good look to have a dictator rolling around in a Mercedes.

Do I . . . do I want to buy a Lincoln? Because this thing looks 10x better than its competitors. And the new Continental is so goddamn legit. What is happening to the world? What is happening to me? These look like ideal commuter and road-trip cars!

Agree.  5k lb, alert r/BBW.

Breaking News: The Lego Silverado just won the JD Power Award for Initial Quality.