Christ, what a nightmare.
Christ, what a nightmare.
I'm white and I would never have the attitude that "I'm not racist, therefore all black people should show me respect." NO THEY DO NOT. I am totally cool if they do not like me because I'm white. I get it. Guys like you think feminists should not express themselves and show respect to the male gender in general…
One thing I've noticed in heterosexual situations:
Unclench and take a deep breath.
I said everything there is to be said. As did every woman on this post.
I've never written about this before, but a man asked me for directions downtown one night while I was walking alone, and I gave them. I pointed him in the direction he wanted to go and kept walking. He grabbed me, tried to kiss me and proceeded to drag me into an alleyway. I fought him, and got away just as he…
I'm so thankful to #yesallwomen because it's the first time somebody ever says it. Just a few days I said the very same thing here and ironically had all the Jezzies come at me.
"All I've ever wanted was a real, meaningful romantic relationship (whether you choose to believe it or not), but because I was a nice, respectful guy, I was immediately taken out of consideration as a dating prospect by every single one of those girls. I believe I have a lot to offer as a boyfriend, I have a lot…
As a guy who was already fairly aware that these things take place, it still felt like being hit by a tsunami reading all these tweets yesterday and this morning. Guys trying to argue that "Not all men!" do these things need to shut the fuck up and realize that enough of us do that EVERY SINGLE WOMAN has a story. Just…
Haha, yeah. I wonder how Asian women who only date White girls view their sons… inferior yet superior at the same time. No wonder mixed race kids are so fucked up. I'm one of them myself.
'Cause not following your gut is how you end up in a body bag, asshole. Your biggest worry when dating is your shriveled up dick, ours is not ending up fucking dead. Fuck off!
frozen yogurt is still made with dairy...
"Don't tell your Mom."
You can just stop marketing period now, Velveeta. I love you too much as it is already.
I saw a great quote going around tumblr that was basically like, "If you watch porn but would never date a porn star, if you go to strip clubs but would never date a stripper, etc, go fuck yourself." Except it didn't say "etc go fuck yourself," it said something far more nuanced and articulate, but you get the idea.…
Joy Friedman needs to go back to school because she doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about. She killed herself because was clearly very sensitive to the harassment she was getting. We can have a discussion about the porn industry and how problematic it is, but her doing porn does not justify people making fun…