With-a-G is back to not having anything written after his username

Now this is an idea I can get behind. Very close behind, in fact, because the exhaust would be so minimal.

So: #10, #8, #5, #4, #1. Wow. That W211 E320 wagon I had just nails it. I loved it for about a year, ended up selling it another 6 months after I stopped loving it.

No, and Yes.

Space-Utilization-based insult duels really ought to replace to old yo-momma standard.

Perhaps apocryphally, Henry Ford once sent his engineers to a junkyard to identify the part(s) on their cars that rarely or never broke. When the engineers returned with their list, his instruction was, “now design a cheaper version of those.”

Metal doesn’t seem as permanent after you learn to manipulate it.

Steel tube space frame while we’re at it.


Booking a garbage grand prix right on the same weekend as Le Mans doesn’t just scatter fans’ attention, but it effectively prevents drivers, crew and teams from F1 from dabbling in the WEC.

I drove CA33 for the first time this past summer, in a rental minivan full of family. I did not probe the road’s limits of driveability on this occasion.

This has been on my kindle wish list since it came out. I might pull the trigger very soon since you've reminded me how fascinating this subject can be.

I’ve lived in my house for 2.5 years now, 2 car garage and a car-length driveway. I’ve done 8 or 9 oil changes on several of my cars, done brake jobs a couple times, suspension 1.5 times, replaced various underhood and interior stuff, all inside my garage, virtually always on weekends during daylight hours. Last week

You don’t have to shovel heat.

As an Arizonan, ha, “winter.”

I’m not likely to be affected by Oregon or New Jersey’s gas pumping laws, but there’s certainly a political movement I could get behind if some people wanted to repeal them.

Is it just me, or does this letter look *exactly* like it was produced on the kind of typewriter that was present in a certain Texas Air National Guard office in the 1970s?

That will look awesome set in the door sill pinstriping.

The original GT40 was named because it stood only 40 inches high. Is this a GT38 or something?

Um, excuse me, but I thought the answer was always Miata?

You are wrong. I did know I needed this.