Witchy King

I thought we discovered Dolores’ identity at the centre of the maze, not Maeve’s?

See you in the ball pit, Dave.

How DARE you come for me like this but also am sharing with everyone I know to also stay solvent. (We’re at six weddings this year, friends. Six.)

I need to watch this movie more.

Never stop until Beyonce is the best paid person in the music industry full stop.

Christina’s vocal runs are so overblown though... it only gets you so far when all you want to do is somersault all over a track.

I need to know when this was in relation to the greatest song of our time, Lady Marmalade.

I need to know why Québec is more specifically a social democracy than, oh, the rest of Canada?

I mean you clicked your way here it’s not like you don’t know how to work it.

To really take your wine habit to the nerd dimension download Vivino, an app that lets you catalogue and rate bottles you try, and gives you recommendations for new things based on what you’re eating or what you already like. I’m not just a lush, I’m a really organized lush.

I wish more people would by shy on the internet, then we wouldn’t have this problem in the first place. Fortify your spirits with being out of the greys here! I didn’t know about AVClub until it merged and I’m like, “oh my god this is my place where has it been all this time where have I been all this time!?”... I’ll

I feel you, and I love Disqus and the easy community it builds. I’m never quick enough with my replies (I have a burner account, don’t get notifications unless I’m on the site) so I’ll be down here a while. I try to remind myself it’s just the internet, no one cares what I have to say that badly.

Because I’m still “in the greys” (so AV Club hasn’t followed my Kinja account) my comments are all hidden until they receive adequate stars. One of comments did (about fandom), and the others haven’t and are still awaiting approval.

Can I just, inject myself here. As a non AVClub OG, observing the growing pains of this merger or whatever it is...

That’s an interesting parallel. I don’t have anything more than a feeling here, but I suspect the HP books at their height were more popular than ASoIaF. Maybe because they were more accessible? The novels were also ahead of the films, so you had to read to find out what happened. Plus it’s fashionable to be generally

I imagine a bit of both. I try to hang on to those precious Harry Potter memories when I feel myself get annoyed at whatever craze is tearing through The Youths.

One thing the HP fandom didn’t change, as this comment thread can attest, is that fandoms will never quit immediately engaging in pissing contests about whose is better or did it first or is more special.

I FEEL SO SMUG thank you

....that’s fair, I was going for Wheel of Time but I’m guessing based on the avatar, I am wrong.

Unrelated but couldn’t resist.... yessssss that username.