Stop voting for these people!
Stop voting for these people!
Let’s not forget that the book was written by a middle-aged white man with a son, not a daughter. So it’s basically one long string of mansplaining about something he clearly doesn’t have a clue about.
before the primaries were over. they’ve been trashing her for decades.
The most clever part, to me, was subtly mocking the election coverage - “keep watch on the podium for ‘breaking news’ while some woman stands over there reciting detailed policy proposals.” Pretty huge and deep burn on cable news.
I know a guy who had to move from Kiev to South Korea for work. He didn’t trust any airlines to keep his dog alive for the 15+ hour-long flight, so instead of risking it or leaving his dog behind, he sold most of his stuff, mailed what little he had left to his new workplace, packed a bag full with dog supplies,…
This is some defensive bullshit you’ve stated here.
I’m done with all the Brets and Beckys and their, “Well, actually ...,” explanations for what’s obvious to anyone who looks close. I’m done worrying about those folks, “being offended,” that I suggest they may be harboring racist attitudes they haven’t exhumed, of watching their eye-rolls and, “I know black people,”…
So not only did the wordplay not localize, the developer themselves backed entirely away from the gag when the first part of the conversation was tabled. do not demonstrate commitment to principles. You demonstrate commitment to your own self importance and being an asshole, and worse: being loud about it. I…
This isn’t censorship, this is one guy trying to defend a bad joke that has no basis in the original text. It even says outright that the original name is a pun on light switches. What in the hell do light switches have to do with a radicalized Christian terrorist group?
What you call “purity bullshit” women call “agency over my corporeal self.” Or, put another way, what you would have called “purity bullshit” 170 years ago was also known as “supporting the ownership of other human beings.”
“on one issue”
I get that but then he starts backing pro life democrats and democrats who are skittish on race and my eye starts twitching. I want left leaning independents and dems not ones that run to the center in the mistaken belief we can sway propaganda laden republicans.
Oh wypipo. Never change.
Bernie Sanders, INDEPENDENT Senator from Vermont.
“The voice of the average, blue-collar American isn’t necessarily represented in Hollywood.”
“Pfft. Amateur.”
Hot Take: They should have picked a uglier way to commit suicide. Blood in the water is romantic imagery
Yeah. All on his own. With two armed adults telling him to do so. Not coerced at all.
Society failed him? Are you fucking kidding me?