I don’t think it was a bug at this point. HADES was working as intended: if he is activated, he is supposed to wipe everything out then return control to GAIA. GAIA still being active, HADES was forced to be creative to complete his purpose.
I don’t think it was a bug at this point. HADES was working as intended: if he is activated, he is supposed to wipe everything out then return control to GAIA. GAIA still being active, HADES was forced to be creative to complete his purpose.
im actually really happy he said this, and not just because i was a hardcore 1d fan for several years
Nah, when she’s around she’s always blocking them from view. When she’s at work I can really watch them.
It is still not clear to the family how Malachi got his hands on the dangerous weapon. Stephens said that he got the gun from a friend who got it from someone else. Investigators are looking into finding out who originally had the gun and passed it to the friend, the news station notes.
but most recently has moved to New York City—The Big Apple!—where he enjoys eating bagels, hot dogs from carts
Look, it doesn’t matter who I killed, just that you remember I killed them bestly.
I think Breitbart writers are more sympathetic to the Confederacy.
Right? I’m a doctor. I’m the only specialist of my kind at my hospital. If I don’t show up, 40-50 cancer patients don’t get treated. No joke. I would have panicked if they told me I wasn’t getting home for my shift.
The comments over on Gizmodo are depressing AF. To paraphrase, the elderly doctor deserved it, should not have raised his voice, should have just used his “cell phone to re-book patients from his hotel room,” and that this whole incident has been entirely blown out of proportion.
Another lesson: give kids their own accounts. Even if they’re five and only play a little bit every now and then, you’ll want to set up a wall between your saves and theirs. Plus, keeps them from accidentally loading up something M-rated.
I assume everyone who was defending United so vigorously during leggingsgate because “THOSE ARE THE RULES” will also have no problem with this? Rules are rules, people, no matter how ridiculous, right?
Anyone who believes in left-wing policies, or didn’t want someone who was so in the bag for corporations that they’d rule that a company has a right to order someone to die, but did not vote for HRC (stayed home or third party), this is on you. Because the Republican side did what they were supposed to do, even if…
I don’t know about you all, but I think men may be constitutionally too emotional to be in leadership positions.
(Lady here) The few times I’ve attempted to negotiate (asking for 3-5k more a year), I’ve actually had the job offer rescinded. One time an employer rejected my attempted negotiation and said, “we give you free clothes to wear”. Honey, free clothes don’t pay for my groceries or for a roof over my head and you’re…
That’s part of the wage gap. Women bear a much larger burden of unpaid work than men do in our society (including bearing and raising children and tending the home), which forces them into situations where they must take lower paying and lower prestige jobs in order to accommodate the larger share of unpaid work they…
It’s almost like America is a huge landmass with lots of different places and lots of regional cultures and some people like to live in some areas while others like to live in others. What a concept.
This feels really icky and exploitative regardless of his other work. Sorry. And, there is really no way to tell if it was this or something else on the application that got him accepted, and it’s many times more likely that it was something else.
I would like to provide another friendly reminder to everyone here that major brands pulling their ads off Youtube are not a violation of any YouTubers’ free speech. This is because only the government is prevented from restricting free speech. To say that businesses are violating the free speech of bigots by pulling…