You’re so right.
You’re so right.
I want to know how the conversation went down when you guys asked people to participate in this.
I’m pretty sure there’s a segment of white America that would raise a fuss about this even if it were an audition notice for Spiderman the Musical 2
“Have you really been to the mountaintop, Dr. King?”
If Hamilton wasn’t wildly successful, no one would care. Now that it’s the hottest Broadway show on the planet white people are all “Wait praise, prestige and high paychecks? That’s my job!”
I thought that theatre was one of the exceptions to typical rules about employment discrimination. Like, they aren't going to force you to audition white men to play othello, or black men to play Hamlet? Does it matter that all the people in Hamilton were real, white people?
You know, generally people grow out of the “jingle keys” level of enjoyment and actually need something more than loud, bright, and moving to keep their attention. I’m glad you’re able to watch schlock and get some entertainment out of it, but you won’t get any less out of it with your viewing style with a smart or…
I take movies roughly as seriously as they take themselves. Fast and Furious franchise? A brain-off fun time. This movie, on the other hand, takes itself super seriously and should be mocked appropriately.
I’m sorry, but as an artist and writer myself that mentality really pains me. I wish less people had that mentality
I find poorly made movies boring, not fun, and tedious, even with my brain turned off. There’s a difference between well-made trash and complete crap.
I never got that mentality... if you’re only interested in the exciting visuals, why see a movie at all? You could just wait until someone uploads all the fight scenes and watch them on Youtube. If I’m actually going to go watch a film I’d like for the story to at least not be so bad that it distracts me from enjoying…
Better the jokers than the people who barge in automatically accusing the woman of being a sociopath or a publicity-seeker. Jesus, some of these fucking comments...
Lakers spokesman apologized to her for their behavior and wouldn’t have done so if this wasn’t true
But they really (claim) to care about sexual harassment, honest!
Nothing I love more than reading a story about sexual harassment on deadspin and seeing people falling over themselves to make the quickest joke
Sexually propositioning a woman and her mom at a stoplight?
Who fucking cares what you’d call it?
NBC had zero “decency issue” with last night’s episode of Scandal when Jake was clearly finger banging Olivia, but we can’t show a mother feeding her child on a commercial?
You know, if NBC and ABC and other networks were at least consistent in what they show or don’t show, then ok, fine.