Official Witch of Los Angeles

Apparently he’s friends with the producer.

“More movies with black people just being people.’

Now playing

Ice Cube: “Maybe we should have put a slave in Staight Outta Compton.” 5:00 mark.

What. The. Fuck.


And when Hollywood does decide to make movies about black people or any people of color, they end up casting white people

I’m tired of slave movies, too. We only get kudos when presenting a racial struggle. It’s frustrating. I loved the movie Creed— Ryan Coogler presented a thoughtful, nuanced, beautifully made picture, and the weakest thing about it was Sylvester Stallone as Rocky. I can’t stand blood sport . . . and yet I was

You know what I would love? More movies with black people just being people. Like dramas, character pieces, etc., with black people just being normal people, you know, like we are in real life. Not “black movies” (stay away Tyler Perry. Stay far, far away). Not slavery movies. Not Straight Outta Compton. Not Boyz in

Not sure what you call Catholic school 7th-8th grade football, but I took a facemask to my gut from a teammate and I couldn’t get up. Trainer came over and said it was a “bruised stomach”. I then walked home from practice about a mile away, not being able to stand up straight. My mom saw me, told her it was a bruised

Mommas don’t let your babies play football as babies, either. This case is important because it shows that it’s not necessarily a long career in the NFL that does it — the damage done when playing peewee, high school, and college count, but no one talks about it. Scary shit.

Mommas, don’t let your babies grow up to be NFL players.

“But a source notes there’s ‘concern’ that 27-year-old Blac Chyna is ‘preying’ on him ‘during a week time.’”

The men were busy!

i think mad men would have been a good show to do in the perspectives of the respective characters, i.e. like Lost. and not just a few mins per episode, but literally each episode being from the perspective of a different character or two. it would have allowed the show to incorporate a lot more diversity. imagine an

I always told my friends I couldn't get into "Mad Men" for that reason. For some reason I became the philistine. What's groundbreaking about a bunch more white guys drinking at their desks? Wasn't that the premise of every cop show?

I lived for Grease when I was a kid. My dad had a black market betamax tape of it (oh yeah!). We literally watched it every day. Then I watched it again when I was an adult and was like HOLY HELL! It’s really, really dirty. And I had NO IDEA.

Also, posting this pic of ONJ at the premier because it’s perfection. She

this is a case of what i like to call the “Mad Men Excuse.” in short, you base a film or tv show around a perspective, group, and/or industry during a period in time in which said perspective, group and/or industry is predominately white and then give that setting as the reason your film or tv show must be

Zuko going in for the Scientology “touch assist:”

He was resting in his trailer when Travolta walked in to give him a Scientology “touch assist.” Using his index finger, he touched Kleiser in various places as he said, over and over, “Feel my finger.”

My son attended Venice High School where Grease was filmed. When he played on the baseball team, I’d jog on the track when he wasn’t in the game.