Official Witch of Los Angeles

My four year-old niece is the pickiest eater I’ve ever seen. My sister-in-law completely enables it, my brother is too jaded to care. This results in her only eating several things: chicken nuggets, bread, donuts, and plain pasta — maybe. Anything and everything else is verboten. When my boyfriend I took her and my

Um, I did thirteen years of Catholic school, and I remember all volunteers and teachers had to be mandated reporters. Perhaps it’s because I live in CA — could very well be a law here. But, I also cannot recall a “rule” against reporting abuse. (Not that I LIKE defending the Catholics, but still.)

Lies. You’ll never want to use Western eyeliner again if you’ve ever used Japanese makeup brands — and I used to swear by the Marc Jacobs gel liner. Our makeup is trash by comparison.

I have three cousins, all my age (or slightly younger) getting married in a one month span next summer. It’s turning my mother into a monster. She won’t stop talking about them in her snide “I’m really just telling you this to let you know what IIIIII expect from your wedding” kind of way. When I told her my cousin’s

Gonna stage a coup and just switch the reels at my local theatre its “Man on Wire” instead.

Apparently, her real name is Amber, and she had her local TV station duped a while back when she used her blindness to start a charity. The nerve.

In the linked article, a commenter outed the name of the doctor because he (allegedly?) posts on several online groups where people who suffer from the same disorder congregate. One is called “wannabeblind,” which ugh.

Hey neighbor. This doesn’t surprise me in the least. It’s an Ivanhoe feeder school, and Ivanhoe is the ONLY LAUSD school in the Silver Lake/Echo Park area with 90% Caucasian students. Rich white folk who live in the hills are THE WOOOORST.

I want to have my partner by my head and by my head ONLY if I ever have children. I used to really want kids, but here I am at 27 with a severe case of the NOPES I LIKE SLEEPING UNTIL NOON.

This looks exactly like the Alpha Phi chapter at my Top 25 school. They had a reputation for being blonde, rich and coke heads.

This was a good 10+ years before iPhones.

When Fiorina ran HP (AKA the company my mom has worked at for 30+ years), she ran it into the ground, forcing the biggest group of layoffs the company had seen in its entire existence. My mom lost her management position, and was luckily rehired, albeit as an ASSISTANT.

Pretty sure all the garden variety Christians are anti birth control, unless it’s “natural family planning.”

I’m 27. There needs to be an in between. I’m calling us the “Hey I remember when there was no Internet and grew up on Netscape Navigator” generation.

I am so not surprised that my toxic, legit insane ex college roommate “blogs” for Bustle. This stupid, judgey nonsense is right up her alley.

Ariana Grande and I have the same Japanese teachers. Must ask them how they feel about #DoughnutGate like ASAP.

This is like traveling to Japan for Dummies. I’ve given more useful advice and actual tips in a short email to friends. All this info is easily found all over the Internet, so why not dig a bit deeper or say something all the gaijin travel guides haven’t said a billion times?

I’ve managed to get backstage at Coachella and other music festivals way too many times by doing just this.

My 11 month year-old Doberman could be having the absolute most amazing time ever at the dog park, but he will still run over to me every few minutes wherever I’m standing or sitting to “check on me.”

Not interested until they bring back Jigglypuff. Still pissed about that.