Word. That stuff has changed my life.
Word. That stuff has changed my life.
I did my grad studies in an MA Journalism program focused on arts journalism. It's really a music thing; you don't see the kind of gender disparity and "credibility questioning" in the theatre, film, dance or even the fine art criticism world. There are many female critics covering those mediums who are well-respected…
Being a bad journalist is something that's gender neutral. I've been writing about music for a long ass time, and I've seen plenty of clueless old dudes show up at press junkets who clearly know nothing about the artist they're here to see outside of a cursory Wikipedia reading.
It's more of a subset/scene thing than a blanket idea. Speaking from experience, things like record collecting, punk/hardcore music, music scholarship/academia and music journalism have largely existed as mostly-male spaces for decades. These aren't arenas populated by music fans who like Top 40 or "radio" music —…
This shit right here is my life. No, literally — it is my day to day life. Many of the people quoted here are friends and mentors of mine. This has been on my mind for DAYS.
It's very, very easy to wear light/natural looking makeup. These women are clearly using TONS of products — not just foundation and powder like most women use. You'd definitely be able to tell when you're venturing into clown territory. (And drug store products are just as good as the pricey stuff for most women! I…
You might have better luck using a separate moisturizer with SPF and then putting a light foundation on top of that — especially if you want to combat occasional redness. That way you can let the moisturizer do what it's supposed to do and let the foundation do what it's supposed to do. I'm always wary of combo…
Looks like the Teen Mom screenshot girls missed that day of makeup school.
What always baffles me is how young super plastic surgery folks usually are. These women are 28. I'm 25. We should look relatively similar in age — except they look 40+ from all the chopping, slicing and filling.
Yeah, something about Mila Kunis makes me think she's not the type of woman who gives a fuck about who her fiance did/didn't sleep with before getting romantically involved.
1. Haven't these been super popular in Asia for a while now?
Don't forget the Mom Haircut™and Middle Aged Lady Scarf!
This one is so confusing. So...you went to college! Yay bootstraps! Oh, but you're upset that there are things you have to do after college — like applying for jobs or paying back loans? And you want someone to get rid of all those roadblocks for you? Isn't that asking for some sort of....GOVERNMENT HANDOUT?
They're seriously so littered with Republican talking points and catch phrases that the "things" they're trying to point out literally make NO SENSE. It's typical GOP strawmanning — "This thing in my life sucks, so let me blame this unrelated thing for causing the thing that sucks! That'll show 'em!"
They do all their "Photoshopping" in MS Paint.
I live in California. The only people who celebrate St. Patrick's Day here are Young White People From the Midwest/East Coast who haven't caught on to the fact that we only celebrate Cinco de Mayo 'round these parts.