The only clothes I buy from Target are sweats and pajamas. Everything else is crap.
The only clothes I buy from Target are sweats and pajamas. Everything else is crap.
Here's my beef with it (and other commercials that refer to wedding planning): It never mentions the man (or other partner/spouse). Last time I checked, it takes two people to get married, yet the media always defaults to the same heteronormative bullshit that perpetuates the Bridezilla myth and makes men look like…
Like, honestly? It sounds like you have a problem with the WRITING — and to suggest that an actor, even one as popular as Leto, has the ability to go up to a writer and direct and demand they change the script is fucking laughable. Learn a thing or two about how Hollywood runs before you start attacking someone for…
Because, unsurprisingly, the writer comes from GT where she is some sort of venerated God-like person — and whenever people disagree with her, or call her out on her bullshit, they get banned/greyed/dismissed/attacked. This isn't the first eye rolling nonsense written by this author, and I suspect it won't be the…
Nope, not in Gawker land. Bloggers =/= traditional journalists. They pick the dumb headlines. You think there's an editor/higher up policing the minions all day long?
This looked like a rejected idea for an Old Navy commercial.
God, I cringe when I think about how, as a sad teen, I LOVED Bright Eyes — I'm even in a Bright Eyes music video, sooo... — but you know what? I am pretty OK with admitting that Lifted is a great album.
Man, these days I feel like the ONLY 25 year-old who isn't engaged to her boyfriend. What the fuck, ladies?
Is it the same cheese that's on top of some versions of Ensaymada? Because that shit is my JAM.
Oooh, the bananas are cooked. And the ham is slathered in mustard. Mmm mmm mmm.
Maybe, but I've lived in California my entire life and felt this way up in hippyville Bay Area, too.
I feel like I could have written this, exactly.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Yes, they absolutely are bullshit. Sending the message that, the only way to be "beautiful," one must be blonde, big breasted and weigh 90lbs is total and utter bullshit.
As someone who's suffered from extremely crippling BDD since childhood, all I have to say is: NO SHIT, SHERLOCK.
Up until a few months ago, I worked as an editor/writer for a major media network's website and was allowed to work from home if I was sick, needed to wait at home for repairs/etc., or if I needed to go up to the Bay Area to visit my parents. I was only able to do so because all of our work was done on a CMS accessed…
Is linking to the source article/statement/whatever too complicated for the intern writers to figure out, or what?